The Three Battles In The Epic Poem 'Beowulf'

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In every tale there is a protagonist, hero, knight-in-shining-armor, or savior of some sort, and in the epic poem Beowulf, the title also happens to be the name of our courageous hero. Throughout this poem Beowulf encounters a variety of problematic situations where he chooses that battling his foes promises the best outcome. Our hero who has completed many challenging feats before coming to Heorot, decides to help and rid this land of their monsters. The three battles that Beowulf endures in this story include the fights between Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. In the first battle that Beowulf undergoes, he fights a gruesome creature named Grendel who had been terrorizing the land of Heorot for too long. Beowulf decides to put an end to Grendel’s reign of terror because the king of Heorot, Hrothgar, had done a generous favor for Beowulf’s father years before and felt like he needed to repay him for his enormous generosity. When Beowulf arrives to Denmark, he is greeted with skepticism as to whether or not he could truly defeat this powerful demon, since he was but a man. After boasting about his lengthy list of previous accomplishments, …show more content…

Beowulf after a while realizes how old he has gotten, and figures that he will die soon, so when a dragon starts terrorizing his land he decides to fight one last battle. Similar to the other battles, preparation for this fight lacked, but, they decided to go in and give it their best shot, and if they did not succeed Beowulf figured his death imminent, so the impact would not cause a huge impact. Beowulf did not expect to defeat such a horrendous creature, especially in his old age, but him and his companion Wiglaf succeed. Before they have a chance to celebrate they realize Beowulf has been bitten in the neck by the dragon, and poison has begun to seep into his veins, ultimately killing

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