In what ways does Jesus fulfill the symbolism underlying the Feast of Tabernacles?
The Feast of Tabernacles is one of the three great festivals on the Jewish calendar. This feast is commanded by God is described in detail in Leviticus 23:33-43 and commences immediately after the day of atonement. After the most solemn day of the year, in which Israel was to afflict herself, mourn for her sins, and offer a sacrifice of blood for those sins (Leviticus 23:27), the Jews then celebrated the most joyful feast of the year. The Baker Bible Handbook states, “[The Feast of] Tabernacles celebrated the fall harvest and served as a reminder of God’s provision for His people during their wilderness wanderings.” This festival was a celebration of the ingathering of the fruits of the harvest. God’s provision was celebrated in many ways, discussed here are two of the symbols that are fulfilled by Jesus, light and water. In
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He is the light of the world and the living water from which people who drink will never thirst and He alone can pour out the Holy Spirit. Simply put Jesus is saying, I am God. (Word Count 523)
Unless otherwise noted, all biblical passages are in the New International Version, Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 2005.
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Jesus wished to feed the crowd of five thousand who was following him, watching him perform miracles. However, there were only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Jesus turned the food into a bountiful feast, feeding everyone.
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