Symbolism In The Delirium

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Love is illegal, love is a disease, and love is forbidden. The only way to feel love is to run, hide and join the movement, joining could mean death or a new life. In the second novel of the Delirium series named Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver, the main character, Lena Haloway-Tiddle, is put in her past and present self. In the past, Lena had just arrived in the Wilds and still trying to decipher who she was and wanted to be. She is trying to decide if love really was worth all the risks. While her past self was struggling to decide who she was, in the present, she needed to prove who she had decided she wanted to be. She is showing herself love is worth it. In the novel, three objects represent the plot, the fence, that separates the cured from …show more content…

One way the Fence is able to represent the plot of the novel, is because it is the physical barrier that is supposed to keep all safe, has many flaws. The Fence is a wall that is electrified, separating the cured from uncureds. The cureds believe that the wall will always keep them safe from the disease, but as Lena finds out in the first novel, Delirium, it has flaws. The flaws of the Fence, represent the flaws of society that Lena is put into after she escapes into the Wilds. The indomitable-never-giving-up movement of eradicating the cure, love finding it’s way into the cured the cities, and how weak the Government is becoming, are a few of the flaws that the flaws in the fence represent. One other way that the fence is able to represent the plot of Pandemonium, is how it separates one’s life from their past and their present. Once the fence is crossed, there is no coming back to live normally. Raven told Lena over and over after she crossed: “There is no before. There is only now, and what comes next” (Oliver 21). This quote shows that the fence may instil fear on the inside, but on the outside it’s a symbol of letting go. Letting go of the past they left behind and beginning a new life as a new person who is allowed to love. Throughout the whole novel of Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver, the Fence is a symbol of flaws and the symbol of separation between the …show more content…

One way the Book can act as a symbol within the pages of the novel, is because the Book is supposed to save the cureds from the disease, amor deliria nervosa. It also saves Lena, an uncured, in a time where she did not know how to save herself. The book does not save Lena because of its meaning, but because of the way the words are used. The Book of Shhh is like a sword. Swords entice people because the offer safety, although the swords may be an option of safety, they can also kill. The Book offers safety, but if it is put in the correct hands, it can kill. A second way the Book of Shhh represents the plot of Pandemonium, is because it leads people down the path they should take, whether it is government assented, or dissented. In the novel the Book states many ideas about how wonderful life is being a cured: “Happy are those who have a place; wise are they who follow the path; blessed are they who obey the word” (Oliver ). This quote shows that the Book rewards those who follow it, but to those who are against what the Book represents, it can mean that they are happier in a place that is free. It can also show why the uncureds are fighting for their right to love and to show that they are happy with following their path to the Wilds. Throughout the entirety of the novel, the Book of Shhh can be seen as a symbol of saving, and a symbol of the path that the people may

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