August Wilson Rhetorical Devices

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The play, Fences was written by an American author August Wilson in the 1983. This play takes place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during the 1950’s which happened before any major work regarding the civil rights movement was noticeable. The play is about a man named Troy Maxson, who is a fifty-three year old who works in the sanitation department. His son Cory wants to play football and does not let him pursue his dream because he doesn't want him to get hurt. August Wilson’s play, Fences, follows the formal conventions of its genre, which helps convey the story to the audience because he uses stage directions, theme, symbolism, and figurative language. The stage direction gives a better explanation to a play because it shows how the characters This two things are the main focus of the play because it gives us a message that the author wants to give us to secretly while we read. A theme that was given in Fences is oppression does not choose to hurt people of color, but gender as well. In the beginning of the play Troy and Bono are discussing about their sanitary job and Troy says “I ain't worried about them firing me. They gonna fire me cause I asked a question?” (Wilson 2). What this quote is stating is that people were not being treated equally and had trouble accomplish what others did. During this time they were being treated unfair and this shows how white men are to be more credible than anyone else, in other words, if a white person would say anything it will always be true. When Troy went to Taylor’s to watch the game and Rose ask him for the score he says “What I care about the game? Come here, woman.” He tries to kiss her. (Wilson 30). This is basically stating that women are men property and they can do anything they want to them. Women might not feel uncomfortable or mistreated because men can do anything to them and even tell them to go away like if they were One of the symbols that is given is a fence. A fence is something that surrounds for example your home and additional things that need to be secure. In Fences, the fence is a symbol because they want the fence to be built because they want to keep the love ones inside the gate along with, keeping the enemies out. The second symbol I found was baseball. In the book baseball does not refer to the sport with a ball and a bat, what it symbolises is when Troy found out that black people were being discriminated which is mention plenty of times when Cory talks to him about him signing the paper to let him be recruited. The purpose of themes and symbolism in play’s is to keep the focus of the play and helps you gather information to answer your own answers at the end. While symbolisms makes you think a little more to get the hint they are trying to give

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