Symbolic and Ironic Techniques In The Story of an Hour

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There are many symbolic and ironic references in this story. Symbolism is when the author uses an object, person, place, or experience that represents more then what it is saying. Such as in the movie Harry Potter, the scare on his forehead just doesn’t represent a pat injury. It represents love of his parents that gave their lives for him. Irony is the opposite of what is said or intended for the audience. There are several forms of irony. There are verbal, situational and dramatic ironies. Verbal is opposite of what the speaker has intended such a sarcasm. Dramatic is when the reader know something that the characters don’t such as in scary movies when u know where the killer is hiding but the characters don’t. Last is situational, it is when an unexpected situation occurs that was opposite of what the characters and audience expects.

The story is about a woman named Louise Mallard with a heart disease that could kill her if she is surprised or overly emotional. So when her husband, Brently Mallard, dies from a train accident her cousin goes to her house to break the news. She is very careful to tell her because of her condition, but when the news is said Louise goes to her room crying and locks herself in. At first very sad of his death she soon realizes she can finally start living, because Breatly was no longer there to oppress her. She then becomes happy for the new life that is going to begin now with him gone and looks out the window to the beauty of spring time. When her cousin calls her down her, goes as if still depressed of her lose, just as Brently walks in the door. Her cousin tries her best to get in the way


and shield Mr. Mallard from Louise, but it’s too late. Louise then dies by the sudden surprise....

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...ools for Kate Chopin to use for the effect of a deeper understanding of the story by the audience.

Works Cited

123helpme Editors.” Symbolism in’ The Story of an Hour’.” 123helpme.123helpme, Inc., N.d. Web. 17 Mar 2014.

Chopin, Kate.”The Story of an Hour.” Heritage of American Literature. Ed. James E. Miller. Vol. 2. Austin: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991. 487. Print.

Craig, Alex. “’Story of an Hour’: Literary critique.” Yahoo!voices. Yahoo,Inc., 22 Apr 2012. Web. 17 Mar 2014.

Free-Termpaper Editors. “Irony in the ‘Story of an Hour’.” Free-termpaper. N.p., 2005. Web. 17 Mar 2014.

Lorcher, Trent. “Symbolism in ‘The Story of an Hour’.” Brighthubeducation. N.p., 17 Apr 2012. Web. 17 Mar 2014.

Westwood, M. “What are Examples of Verbal, Situational, and Dramatic Irony in ‘The Story of an Hour’.” E-notes. E-notes, Inc. 30 Sept 2013. Web. 17 March 2014.

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