Syllabus Of Errors

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1. Describes the roles and relationships of the following terms in the Catholic Church structure: Pope, Holy See, Cardinal, Bishop, Diocese, Priest, Deacon, and Laity. Describe each term in writing and explain how each is related to one other term.
a. Pope – the Pope, is the head of the church and is the Vicar of Christ and guides the morals and faith of the church ("Church Roles," 2017). The Pope is elected through a conclave of Cardinals engaging in a daily vote until the majority vote identifies the newly elected Pope. The highest membership residing over the church is made up of bishops and archbishops, the Pope is the highest designated Bishop and leader of the Roman Diocese and is the designated worldly leader of the entire Christian flock …show more content…

After the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, the church was stripped of much of its land and privileges, the church in a reactionary posture aligned itself with the wealthy and its anti-socialistic mindset and denounce any and all aspects of human rights and privileges.
4. See the second to last paragraph of page 42 in the second classroom edition of your text describe what was in the “syllabus of errors.” Explain how these positions run counter to commonly held ideas today.
a. The “Syllabus of Errors” yielded heresies on all accounts of human rights, human inequality, religious toleration, freedom of speech and denounced the idea of separation of church and state (Massaro, 2012, p. 42). Today's Catholic church takes a much broader philanthropic stance, opposite of the “syllabus of errors..” The church contributes countless dollars through a wide variety of charities to the financial challenge and promotes equal and fair working conditions and basic human rights (Massaro, 2012, p. 46).
5. On pages 43 - 46 in the second classroom edition of your text, Massaro identifies some of the pioneers of social justice. Identify the three primary pioneers mentioned and describe in a line or two what their contributions

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