Syllabus Days

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First day of class, nobody expects work. First days are labeled “syllabus days”. You walk in, meet your professor, review the syllabus, then leave. Most students underestimate the syllabus. Students think the syllabus is just a piece of paper and a free day of class. If you were to read the syllabus, you would find loads of information. . Some teachers and professors make students sign their syllabus as a contract for the course. Syllabus contain information such as plagiarism, how grades are determined, and safety precautions. Every student has heard the plagiarism speech time after time. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. According to Redlands Community College Academic Integrity Policy, plagiarism is not going to be tolerated. If it is the student's first offence, the student fails the assignment, but the professor can offer the student to redo the assignment. The second offence, the professor must notify the student, the Head of the Department, and the Chief Academic Officer of the plagiarism and the student automatically fail the course. After a …show more content…

The syllabus states that your grade will be determined based on content, organization, language use, vocabulary, mechanics, and MLA style. There are four categories to determine points. The first category ranges from 20-18 points and the last category points range from 9-0. The grading criteria for this course is homework, which are daily assignments are worth 25% of your overall grade. Essays are worth 75% of your overall grade. Essays will only be accepted up to two weeks from the original due date. Students may revise essays scored at 70 percent or below. If you attend class and you are assigned work, the work is due the same day. No late daily assignments will be accepted. The only late work that will be accepted are essays, but late essays will have 10 percent deducted

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