Swot Analysis Of Apple

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Taking a step back into Apple's product history, and noticing how ancient the first products seem, compared to the sleek, "cool" products of today, will leave you feeling inspired. Apple has gained technological superiority over its competitors, but how and does Apple plan to continue its advantageous market share in such a rapid, fast-paced technological era? Apple has a cult like following, consumers who are anticipating and ready to purchase new Apple products as soon as they are released. Technology has become second nature and a very important aspect of millions of consumers' lives. Regarding our efforts here at Apple, we may have a few areas we need to redirect some of our energy into, to make sure we can continue such a strong brand following. If our reputation is tarnished, we could risk loosing current and future customers, leading to a decrease in overall market shares and sales. Apple’s SWOT analysis includes strengths that adhere to its great success; such strength is Apple’s marketing and advertising campaigns. Apple incorporates its products to portray a sleek, new, cool, the latest, and must-have technology image to its consumers. Our customer loyalty allows us to continue growing as a corporation and increases our already well-established brand awareness and reputation. Our strong financial performance is an outcome of our internal strengths highlighted. Apple’s weaknesses include, but are not limited to our patent infringements, defects that occur in our products, our declining market share, as well as our incompatibility with other os devices. Realizing our weaknesses allows us to develop goals that will correct these areas we currently need work on. The opportunities of our external environment; such as the ... ... middle of paper ... ...ns. We plan to reach a higher percentage of shares in the computer market. We hope that by promoting and placing our product correctly we can sufficiently reach our current and future goals we have implemented. Evaluation & Control: In the releasing of our new product we will need to exercise precise and careful observation of all incoming feedback channels. We will need to respond responsibly to any negative responses or defects that may occur. We plan on taking the information we receive and use it to improve our current and future products. We will need to also observe and actively participate in our factories supply chain management activities and operations. By instituting the correct decisions and observation methods regarding our evaluation and control of our new Mac computer and manufacturing factories we feel that Apple will be able to reach new heights.

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