Swiss Mist Sparknotes

1130 Words3 Pages

James Venable
English 11 CB
6 January 2016

Author: Randy Powell
Title: Swiss Mist
Illus: Jonathan Bartlett
Genre: Coming of age
Summary: Milo is a boy in the fifth grade, who lives in Seattle, Washington. His dad is a college professor who took psychedelic drugs and tried teaching him about philosophies. His mom worked part-time and she taught Milo most of the things he knew, from hammering a nail to how to play football. One day, his parents had a fight and his dad moved out. His mom consulted a life coach and she was going to move to Kangley, Washington so she could go to college and become a dental technician. There was a block party that Milo and his class attended right before he moved away, and his teacher, Ms. Swinford, gave …show more content…

His parents get divorced, he moves to a new town, and he has to stay out of trouble to keep his mother happy. Milo is faced with all of these throughout the novel and it is interesting to see how he deals with them as the book progresses. The author uses Milo’s thoughts and values, which gradually change over the course of the novel, to show how Milo is growing up and maturing. Paula Rohrlick states in her review of Swiss Mist that, “This meditative, psychologically astute tale of a boy's emotional maturation is true to life”. This description truly captures the essence of the entire novel because Milo and his thoughts really do mature over the duration of the story, and this is very visible. In addition, Milo is presented with many meaningful lessons that are applicable to his life as well as ours. Using these lessons, Milo is able to approach his issues in entirely new ways. The lessons he learns also help him grow and mature by making him question and change the way he thinks about his problems. By the end of the novel, all of these factors change Milo into a person more mature than even his own father. (218)

Reflection: A pro of Swiss Mist would be the message that Milo learns. In the beginning of the novel, Ms. Swinford, Milo’s fifth grade teacher,

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