Swimming Pool Cover Research Paper

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If this is your first winter having a swimming pool, you need to learn how to protect your swimming pool cover from the winter weather. Here are a few winter weather situations you are likely to encounter, as well as steps you can take to protect your swimming pool cover from each type of winter weather situation.

#1 Leaves & Branches

One of the biggest hazards to your pool cover during the winter months are actually falling tree branches and leaves. Try to prune back all the branches around your pool, or hire a tree professional to do so, in order to prevent tree limbs from falling on your pool cover during the winter months and damaging your cover.

To keep the leaves off your pool cover, purchase a swimming pool leaf neat. This net is made from mesh, which allows water to drain through the net while catching the leaves. To remove the leaves, just real the net in and …show more content…

If you have an above ground pool, use bungee cords or cables on the rings on the edge of your cover, and secure them to stakes in the ground outside of your pool. If you have an in-ground pool, you can also use bungee cords and stakes to secure your cover. Additionally, you can use bricks or cement cinder blocks around the edge of your pool to keep the cover in place.

Finally, make sure that there is a little water on top of the pool cover. This will help weight the pool cover down and prevent it from getting carried away during a wind storm.

#3 Ice & Water

During the winter, water may build up on your swimming pool cover. Although a little bit of water is necessary to keep your cover from blowing away on windy days, the water on top of your pool cover should not be multiple inches deep. This can weight down your cover and cause it rip. If it gets cold enough outside, all that water can turn to ice, which will add a lot of weight and strain to your pool

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