Teachers Role in Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
The maltreatment and neglect of children and youth has increasingly come to be perceived as a social blight. As with most social problems, child abuse influences our school systems. Children that are being emotionally, physically and sexually abused often use school as a cop out. These children spend around thirty hours a week in a safe, enjoyable and carefree environment, however within these thirty hours teachers must be taking the time to make observations. Teachers have the ability to compare current behaviors with peers, norms and past behaviors of their students. Therefore, teachers are an important role in reporting cases of child abuse or maltreatment. If a teacher fails to report suspected signs of abuse, they can be eligible to a fine up to one thousand dollars (Children’s Aid Society, 2001). More programs, in-services and support need to be given to these teachers in order for them to feel comfortable reporting suspected child abuse and for them to know the proper way to report their suspicions.
Physical abuse is a non-accidental injury inflicted on a child from a caregiver. If a child is being physically abuse, he or she may experience severe beatings, burns,
Strangulation, or human bites (Cates & Markell, 1995). If a child has been severely beaten, the perpetrator will try to cover up the bruises, scares or welts. This means that a child may be sent to school on a hot summer day...
In conclusion, it is unambiguous that Plato’s Allegory of The Cave is related to modern-day television even though it was written in a period where there were no such thing as television and media. Plato succeeds in illustrating how all of us are bound to trusting the conspiracy that the media shows. He demonstrates a great example on how the government is controlling our viewpoints on reality through the use of television. He portrays a concrete illustration on how oblivious television’s audiences are towards the real truth. For all of these, it is indisputable that this particular writing of Plato is very similar to how people develop their perceptions of reality through television.
Finding a definition of child physical abuse is controversial, but the signs of a child being abused is straightforward if you know how to read them. For example, Hitting, punching, kicking them, or using objects to injure to abuse them. All those examples are seen in the case of 8- year- old, Gabriel Fernandez after he was brutally abused for eight months.
For one to develop a nursing philosophy, one should first determine what philosophy means to them. As defined by Merriam Webster dictionary, philosophy is “a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live.” (Merriam-webster dictionary, 2016). Or as defined by Ayn Rand, in Philosophy, Who needs it (p.2), "Philosophy studies the fundamental nature of existence, of man, and of man 's relationship to existence. … In the realm of cognition, the special sciences are the trees, but philosophy is the soil which makes the forest possible." (Thomas, 2010). Philosophy is open to personal interpretation. By saying “philosophy is the soil which makes the forest possible” and “the special sciences are
Child Abuse is behavior by and adult that harms a child’s physical, mental, or emotional health and development. Some types of child abuse are neglect, and physical abuse. An example of neglect would be medical neglect. This is where the child does not get the proper medical attention needed. Some examples of physical abuse would be sexual and physiological.
Physical abuse is any non-accidental physical injury to a child. Physical abuse is an injury that results from physical aggression. Types of physical abuse can consist of beating, whipping, hitting, pinching, biting, or spanking.
The world is made up of many different types of people, each one having his or her cultural background. Over the years, the United States has become increasingly populated with cultural diversity. This influx has prompted school administrators to recognize the need to incorporate multicultural programs into their school environment including classroom settings, school wide activities, and curriculum as it becomes more evident that the benefits of teaching cultural diversity within the school setting will positively influence our communities, and ultimately the entire nation’s future. The purpose of this paper is to share the pros and cons of multicultural education in the classroom. Additionally, I will express my views compared to those in the reading requirements for this assignment, as well as, new knowledge obtained through the research. Finally, I will share situations where I was challenged introducing a multicultural issue during a class.
Physical abuse is the intentional infliction of physical injury to a child. Legal definition of child abuse can very from state to state, but it is widely accepted that any intentional injury to a child that results in a need to seek out medical attention are considered to be physical abuse. Forms of physical abuse can range from small cuts and bruises to more severe cases of broken ones and internal injuries. Nonetheless, there have been complications in defining the line between punishment and physical abuse. Many states explicitly note that “spanking when administered in an reasonable manner” does not constitute abuse. Thus, physical punishment remains subject to interpretation in the context of it's
Child abuse prevention must first begin with understanding the different types of abuse. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) defines abuse as the motive, act, or lack of action of a parent or guardian that leads to a physical or emotional injury (Rein 11-12). Each state defines abuse differently; Pennsylvania defines physical abuse as the recent act or lack of action by a perpetrator causing or risking a serious non-accidental physical injury to a person that is under the age of 18 (Clark 351). Corporal punishment, a controversial topic in physical abuse, is defined as deliberately inflicting physical injury because the child misbehaves. Types of corporal punishment include spanking, slapping, pinching, choking, paddling, or hitting the child with objects (Gerdes 182-190). Part of the debate over physical abuse is whether schools should be able to use physical punishment on their students. Some believe that corporal punishment is the only way to teach children about misbehaving and that a minor pain is justified if it corrects a larger problem (Gerdes 198-201). Others think corporal punishment may lead a child to believe violence is acceptable or to think...
Physical abuse is to cause or inflict physical injury upon the child. This may include, burning, hitting, punching, shaking, kicking, beating, or otherwise harming a child. The parent or caretaker may claim not to have intended to hurt the child, that the injury was an accident. It may have however, been the result of over-disciplines or physical punishment that is inappropriate to the child?s age.
“Physical abuse is any intentional and unwanted contact with you or something close to your body. Sometimes abusive behavior does not cause pain or even leave a bruise, but it’s still unhealthy” (e.g., “types of abuse,” n.d., para. 1).
As we proceed further into the 21st century, multiculturalism becomes more relevant to obtaining a truly global society. Dr. James A. Banks defines the meaning of multicultural education and its potential impact on society when it is truly integrated into American classrooms. In his lecture, Democracy, Diversity and Social Justice: Education in a Global Age, Banks (2006) defines the five dimensions of multicultural education that serve as a guide to school reform when trying to implement multicultural education (Banks 2010). The goal of multicultural education is to encourage students to value their own cultures and the diverse cultures of those around them without politicizing their differences but rather, as Banks passionately explains in his lecture, “to actualize the ideals stated in the Constitution” (2006) forming “civil, moral, and just communities.”
When Florence was born nurses weren’t seen as anything more than prostitutes. Due to her war efforts, and overall healing abilities she began to give nursing a face. She was known as the ‘lady of the lamp’ to men and women throughout the war. Male doctors came to her and offered her full compliance if she would assist in aiding their ill. People took note of this and realized that these nurses were crucial in the healing process. All the men who even so much as witnessed the caregiving power of these nurses had to give their respect. Because of Nightingale’s efforts the world began to shift its view on nursing. Nursing became a respected line of duty, and something women could be proud to be a part of. Nightingale is often talked of as one of the first great feminists of the world because of how empowering she was to other female nurses. She gave women chances and a drive to be something other than a maid or a stay at home mother. These were the first positive outlooks on nursing, which lead to nursing becoming something more than just a position in the health
Child abuse has become a chronic and common issue in the country today. In the United States of America, an estimated three million children are victims of abuse every year. Whether the abuse is physical, emotional, sexual, or neglect, the scars can be deep and can have a negative effect on a child’s education. According to academic research preformed at Brown University in April 1996, it was noted that abused children have a harder time maintaining good grades in school due to their stressful home lives, which leads to a lack of focus in the classroom. These issues are severely hurting the education of many children which damages their conscious development. Unstable households are the number one cause of children not performing at the level of proficiency in the classroom. (Family Mobility Helps) There are four different types of abuse, but the effects are similar, which is physical, or emotional harm placed upon the child. There are certain types of abuse that are often harder to identify. Neglect is the most common form of child abuse. Family members and caregivers are the abusers in most cases. Research has shown there are three major reasons why abuses children suffer academically. The reasons are withdrawal, poor communication/social skills, and behavioral problems. Child abuse does not only hurt a child’s education, but can lead to deaths. Therefore prevention is the key to the success of a child’s future. (Rynders)
9). Hence, the advocacy for multicultural education focus is not the content but rather on value each ethnic group places on human rights and environmental issues. Therefore, in a multicultural education classroom the teacher must have a working knowledge of each student’s ethnic beliefs and values about the world around them. Armed without these tools, the teacher may tread into unknown and uncomfortable waters without comprehending they have drowned before they have
Secondly, physical abuse is purposely causing physical harm or injuries to a child. Being physically abused includes being hit, kicked, or shaken. Parents who are abusive to their children often claim that their abuse is a form of discipline. There is a significant difference in abusing your child and trying to show them discipline. The whole point of using discipline is to show a child right from wrong. It becomes physical abuse instead of discipline when your...