Survival Skills Should Be Taught In Colleges

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Basic skills have never been an important thing taught in colleges through the last years. It has not evolved, and it will definitely take some time for it to become big. Even though this classes in college could consume take some of your time, leaving you less time to study for other classes, but this skills will definitely work for you in your daily life. Students should be able to learn basic survival skills before graduation, in order to have more knowledge and experience in the real world. Learning all the tricks and techniques that will not only work for you in your everyday life, but it will stay with you throughout your lifetime. Many people who graduate without learning these basic things, tend to waste much more extra money and time, …show more content…

Courses with major importance will go first and so on. Money Management or personal finance is the first course that should be taught in college for those young students who are preparing to start a life on their own and need to know everything about how to manage money before they make a huge mistake with their adult life earnings. First of all, when a person knows how to manage their money correctly, saving will be much more easier for these people throughout their lives. Besides that, when you learn to save your money for future events, it becomes easier and easier for you adopt this habit. Saving money in an effective way helps people to build security with their money in the future. Students who recently graduate from college tend to over spend money in things that are not really useful for them, making them unaware of the financial problem they are …show more content…

Things like first aid can be very helpful in someone’s life. This could save lives in an instant and much more. In an extreme situation professional help will not be there every time, this is why it is so important in everyone’s life. Recently in Panama there has been a lot of situations where over-speeding in cars cause fatal accidents. Having at least some basic knowledge about first aid may help anyone in these extreme scenarios. Nobody knows when its going to be their time to help a stranger or a loved

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