Surrealism And Realism

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Realism is defined as “The faithful Representation of reality or verisimilitude, meaning the quality of appearing to be true or real. Realism is a literary technique in which one question if something is realistic or fiction. “In American literature, the term “Realism” encompasses the period of time from the civil war to the turn of the century. Realism was a movement that encompasses the entire country. In general Realism is a literary movement that attempts to discover life. Realism is the quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life. Realism later evolves into literary movements such as naturalism and stream of consciousness. Their are Similar Terms such as Surrealism and Magical Realism that play huge roles in American Literature. Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings. The surrealism movement in visual art and literature flourished in Europe between World War 1 and 2. It was a 20th century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the working of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imaginary and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter. Huizar#2 Magical realism is a term that describes contempory fiction. Magical realism blends magical or fantastical elements with reality this means that they put something that’s real, and is meant to be fake to be used as reality. It tells its story from the perspective of people who live in our world and experience a different reality from the one we call objective. Magical realism is used in a lot of stories, but it takes a role in one of the stories we read in class which was “The Handsomest Drowned Man”. ... ... middle of paper ... ...ople think about literary movements as reacting against earlier modes of writing and earlier movements For example, just as modernism is often seen as response to realism”. (Citation; WHAT IS AMERICAN LITERATURE? AN OVERVIEW; Overall, realism, surrealism, and magical realism play huge roles in American literature and in each one of the stories we read in class. These movements change the way we see and hear American literature. Realism is a literary movement that attempts to discover life, while Surrealism attempts to express the working of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imaginary and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter. Magical realism. Blends magical or fantastical elements with reality. In the end it is important to know what each of these movements is about and put them to practice.

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