Suprapubic Catheter Essay

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Suprapubic Catheter Home Guide

A suprapubic catheter is a rubber tube with a tiny balloon on the end. It is used to drain urine from the bladder. This catheter is put in your bladder through a small opening in the lower center part of your abdomen. Suprapubic refers to the area right above your pubic bone.
The balloon is on the end of the catheter that is in your bladder. It is filled with germ-free (sterile) water. This keeps the catheter from slipping out of place. When the catheter is in place, your urine will drain into a collection bag. The bag can be put beside your bed at night and attached to your leg during the day. You may have a large collection bag to use at night and a smaller one for daytime. Your catheter may need to be changed …show more content…

Empty the small collection bag when it is about ⅔ full. To do this, take the following steps:
• Always keep the bag below the level of the catheter. This keeps urine from flowing backwards into the catheter.
• Hold the bag over the toilet or another container. Turn the valve (spigot) at the bottom of the bag to empty the urine.
○ Do not touch the opening of the spigot.
○ Do not let the opening touch the toilet or container.
• Close the spigot tightly when the bag is empty.

• Clean the catheter with soap and water as often as told by your health care provider.
• Always wash your hands before and after caring for your catheter and collection bag. Use a mild, fragrance-free soap.
• Always make sure there are no kinks in the catheter tube.
• Always make sure there are no leaks in the catheter or collection bag.
• Drink enough fluid to keep your urine clear or pale yellow.
• Keep the skin around your catheter clean and dry and check every day for signs of infection. Check for:
○ Redness, swelling, or pain.
○ Fluid or blood.
○ Pus, warmth, or a bad smell.
• Do not take baths, swim, or use a hot tub.

Seek medical care if:
• You leak

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