“Supersize me” is a film written and directed by Morgan Spurlock, this documentary observes the effects of the fast food industry on the American society. The premise of ‘Supersize me’ is an attempt to eat only McDonalds for a total of thirty days. This ‘Mc Binge’ was inspired by a trial evolving two teenage girls who were attempting to sue McDonalds for their obesity and the health. McDonalds, the number one fast food industry at the time, could be food almost anywhere you looked, the option of supersizing one’s food order gave the satisfaction In order to examine the effects of fast food on society. Spurlock decides to take on the challenge presented by a judge whom ruled that unless it could be proven that McDonalds could in one month make an individual physically sick, there would be no grounds for the case. Hired to test and prove that the girls had a case, Mr. Spurlock began his fast, imbibing nothing but McDonalds sold products. Spurlock provides many techniques in order to capture the attention of the audience; he uses logos, pathos and ethos throughout his film.
Spurlock consults various doctors, maintaining contact with them by visiting for weekly checkups and following their directions as closely as possible while ensuring that he does not endanger his study. In order to keep track and ensure his safety, Spurlock enlists three doctors - a general practitioner, a cardiologist and a gastroenterologist - who pronounce his general health to be outstanding. Also enlisted are a registered dietician and an exercise physician. The registered dietician helps to keep track of the amount of food and calories he should take in each day. While the exercise physician ensures that Spurlock does no exercise, limiting him to fewer than...
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...ge. Moments in the film, where he gave the harsh reality of his diet made the film more relatable and made the experience real. The foods that so often consumed by society are made and grown using chemicals and although we do not see it happening, it is killing us. The film revealed how the Mc Nuggets are chickens pumped with hormones in order to have unusually large breasts. Then gruesomely placed into a machine whole, where their heads are chopped off, and they then the rest of their bodies, including feces, come out of the machine in the form chicken Mc Nuggets is a gruesome eye opener. Everyone is slowly digging a grave with fast food and ready-made products that we dish up at home. The bagged vegetables that are so useful for Sunday dinners and the Ketchup that we love to load onto French fries and burgers all are loaded to the ‘T’ with nitrates and corn syrup.
Fast food, while a quick alternative to cooking, has always been known to be less healthy than traditional preparations, but the extent of its health benefits or detriments was not known until a lawsuit came out which inspired documentarian Morgan Spurlock to engage in a 30 day experiment. The resultant documentary specifically targeted McDonald’s, the largest fast food chain in the world, which also happens to be a major recipient of lawsuits linking obesity and their food. Spurlock endeavored to spend a thirty day period eating nothing but food that came from the golden arches, with the rules that he would supersize only when asked, and every time he was asked, and that he would have everything from the menu at least once. In the 2004 film Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock explores the concept that McDonald’s contributes to the nation’s obesity problem through the utilization of statistics and scientific evidence as a logical appeal, comedy and repulsive qualities as an emotional appeal, and s...
McDonald's is one of the multiple fast food restaurants that serve greasy and oversized meals that are harmful to the human body. Throughout a thirty day McDonald's only diet, Spurlock surrounds himself with logos, ethos, and pathos to impact the viewer's opinion on the true cost of eating fast food
Spurlock explains the corporations’ way of justifying their business and even defending against allegations that their products are causing consumers medical problems. For example, Spurlock explains that the McDonalds’ Corporation stated that fast food can actually be a part of a healthy diet. Also, Spurlock interviews a representative from a corporate lobbyist organization that defends the interest of several major food and beverage corporations. Despite what he has already proven, Spurlock then challenges the corporations’ opposition to his arguments by showing the audience information that contradicts the corporations’ claims. This further strengthens Spurlocks arguments by showing that some of the oppositions arguments are not entirely
The United States of America has long been considered a “big nation”, whether is has the biggest cities, houses, and on a negative note, biggest people. In 2003, Morgan Spurlock, a healthy-bodied film director, set on a quest to show America the detrimental effects of the fast food industry and raise awareness on the controversial issue. He produced the documentary “Supersize Me”, where McDonald’s meals were consumed for every meal of the day for thirty days. His film was released to movie theatres so that people could understand the devastating effects of McDonald’s on his body in a very short time span. At the end of his experiment, Morgan gained twenty-five pounds, developed a thirteen percent body mass increase, cholesterol skyrocketed immensely, and fat accumulation in his liver rose to. He became depressed and he only felt happy and in no pain when he was eating the fast food. By using ethos, logos, and pathos, “Supersize Me” became one of the most watched documentaries in the United States. Without these appeals, this documentary would not have developed the effect that it did.
Documentary films have become very popular in the last few years, with the success of Michael Moore’s films fueling interest in learning while being entertained. Two filmmakers have benefited from this new interest in the non-fiction film movement, including directors Morgan Spurlock and Lee Fulkerson. The two filmmakers both made documentaries regarding healthy eating, or the lack thereof, in North America. Spurlock’s film, Super Size Me, was about a healthy man who wanted to see what would happen to his body if he ate nothing but items from McDonalds for an entire month. On the other hand, Fulkerson’s Forks Over Knives is about a man on a quest to improve his health by consuming a plant and whole food based diet.
While the film Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock replicates the eating habits of what he believes are “average” americans, Fat Head by Tom Naughton on the other hand dives in deeper into the physiology behind the ingestion of food and replicates a more believable eating habit of an average American. Both films try to teach people about nutrition and change issues about either the government or companies such as McDonald’s, however one film proves to be more accurate and honest out of the both films. Fat Head not only disproves Morgan Spurlock’s film, but also shows how the government has been lying to all the American consumers the whole time by showing what professionals know about nutrition and showing facts to support his claims.
Morgan Spurlock decided to make this documentary to investigate the fast food companies, and the effects of certain fast food chains products, particularly McDonalds, on the health of society. This Documentary explores the United States growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes as well. Morgan decides to eat nothing but McDonald's food for thirty days. He must eat one of everything on the menu at least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another stipulation of Morgan's experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to replicate the exercise that most average Americans get on a daily basis. He must also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if McDonalds doesn't serve it Morgan can't eat it.
Spurlock successfully elicits strong emotional responses from his viewers to help win their support. The imagery, humor, music, and responses of his doctors and family to his diminishing condition all aid in creating a bond between himself and his audience. His use of gruesome images such as vomiting after eating, close-ups of the bellies and butts of fat Americans, greasy and disgusting looking food, and the detailed foota...
The first step that Spurlock utilizes is documenting his daily life through this modified “McDiet. He include visual aspects in his documentary, like personal footage, to help support his claim. Throughout this documentary, Spurlock includes records of him eating out of only McDonald's every day for a month. He documents his every meal and the experiences he has after eating. He would record how he is feeling and his health condition at many points in the film. From day one to day thirty, he shows how much he had eaten and his final analysis of his experiment. The immoderate McDonald's diet that Spurlock consumed helps show the health risks, consequences, and dangers of fast food. By performing this experiment, Spurlock was able to prove that fast food is a major factor in rising health and obesity problems. Another analytical track that Spurlock incorporated is the uses of text to he...
The article that I chose is called Another Case Against GMO Foods by Timothy J. LaSalle. It was published on 2/25/14 and it is from the website http://www.foodmatters.tv/. In this article, LaSalle explains the reasons why GMO foods have been insufficient in benefiting farmers and the general public. GMO stands for “genetically modified organisms”. America started using GMOs in the early 1990s. He tells us that GMO seeds were created to make the cost of growing crops less to farmers which could lead to more crops and lower prices. It does this by making crops resistant to pathogens. It also adds herbicides which make the plants weed resistant. That way farmers don’t have to buy fertilizers. He also talks about the effects of GMOs on people’s health. There is no proven long-term effects of GMO foods. There is only speculation. GMOs are being used more and more by farmers. He believes that it is a possible cause of allergies, asthma, autism, and ADD in children and adults. He states that health concerns have increased since we started using GMOs in our food. In the last part of the article he talks about finding a way to make safer foods which would be using all organic foods. Countries in Europe, Asia and Africa have banned GMO foods. He thinks we should do the same. He also thinks we should not be able to use GMO foods until the FDA has proven they don’t cause long-term health risks.
“Actions speak louder than words” but in this case results speak louder than words. Just because the labels say it’s safe, is it? How can something that’s only recently been discovered be considered safe when we don’t know the long term outcome? Hearing that my food has been ‘Genetically Modified’ just sounds messed up from the start. Our countries people are trusting what they consume by words spoken by people they’ve never even met and people who are only out to make lots of money with whatever it takes. Do you really think that the business owners running the food system actually eats the average food that is in a grocery store? Doubtful. Largely between 1997 and 1999, genetically modified food ingredients suddenly appeared in 2/3rds of all US processed foods
“Don’t Blame the Eater” is an article by David Zinczenko that explains to Americans, specifically overweight young Americans, about the risks eating at fast food restaurants and its cause of affecting one’s health. In his article, he tries to address the issue about America’s food industries by using literal devices such as tone, logos, ethos, diction, and organization in order to spread his message. He begins his article by addressing the topic and as he continues writing, he supports his topic by writing about personal experience and moves onto the reasons why his topic in a serious issue. Although he shows an overall clear progress, he does tend to have a few problems with his writing that could be improved.
First, my personal reaction to this is documentary is an eye opener. I knew McDonalds was more harmful to than other fast food places, but I never knew about the lawsuit between McDonalds and it consumers. I never saw McDonalds as having big impact on my life; this is probably because the McDonald’s in my hometown never had a super-size option. In the video, Spurlock conducted interviews to gain ...
One example of how the food industry is ruthless is when one of the CEOs of a fast-food chain states they are part of the problem is hired immediately. Though I don’t not find this wrong because if I was a stock-holder with my life savings invested within his company I would without a doubt have him fired for placing my money at risk. That is the harsh reality of economics, you cannot place you company in shock by either a damaging statement or bad executive move. I found most disturbing about the movie was how a case was being made against McDonalds that two obese teens did not know fast-food was unhealthy (Spurlock). Regardless of how they lived word of mouth had to have taught them fast food is not healthy, and if that didn’t health education has been in place for years now teaching us
Subway has just become the biggest fast food franchise in the United States. They advertise a healthy menu full of all natural ingredients. However a recent experiment by the Journal of Adolescent Health found people consume almost the same amount of calories at Subway as McDonalds (Lesser). Subway is not the only fast food advertising healthy options however. Despite the unhealthiness of fast food, these chains do offer some benefits. Natalie Stein,a writer for the live strong foundation, who focuses on weight loss and sports nutrition points out some crucial benefits of fast food. Stein acknowledges the convince of fast food in her article “What Are the Benefits of Fast Food?” She believes that having fast food restaurants on almost every corner is a good thing. This might be a good thing to some people, but what is too much? The conveyance of fast food chains has driven out grocery stores and ruined a chance at a healthy diet. With obesity growing in the United States maybe it’s time to rethink the actual conveyance of fast