Summer Of The Monkeys: Jay Berry And His Conflicts

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Summer of the Monkeys: Jay Berry and His Conflicts


Topic: Jay Berry

Purpose: To identify the nature of the force of the conflict which Jay
Berry encounters, and indicate how they help or hinder Jay Berry the protagonist in Wilson Rawls novel Summer of the Monkeys

Thesis: Before Jay Berry succeeds his goal he encounters many conflicts that both hinder and help him through his amazing adventure.

I. Inner Forces
A. Help- personality traits
1. Determination
2. Confidence

II. B. Hinder
1. Fear
2. Over confidence

III. Outer Forces
A. Help- other people
1. Grandpa
2. Old Rowdy

IV. ...

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...ed against Jay Berry. The monkeys hindered Jay Berry with their intellectual abilities and also their physical attributes. Jay Berry did not know what he was going up against when he took on the challenge of catching the escaped circus monkeys. They outsmarted Jay Berry many times making Jay Berry looking like a buffoon. Also the monkeys physical capabilities are far more superior than Jay Berry's, also you will not see Jay Berry jumping from tree to tree. Another outer force that hindered Jay Berry was the environment. The sycamore trees are much too tall for Jay Berry to climb, and the bottoms are very unstable.

Summer of the Monkeys written by Wilson Rawls displays many inner and outer forces either help or hindering Jay Berry. In the end Jay Berry was struck by a surprise when the whole family got what they wished for in the magical fairy ring that Daisy found. The peak of Jay Berry's success is when he got a chance to run with Daisy through the fields, and also got his pony and
.22. A lesson is to be learned from Jay Berry's wonderful experience, if you do what's best and not just what you want, you might just get both as an even greater reward.

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