Summary: The Long Lost Genefilles

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The Long Lost Genefilles Story
In geology, it would be known as a debris flow. Debris flow’s a mass in steam valleys and more or less resembles from concrete. They consist of water mixed with a good deal of solid material, most of which is about sand size. Some of it is Chevrolet size. Boulders bigger then cars ride very long distances. Boulders grouped like fish eggs pour quickly downhill. The dark material coming toward the Genefilles was not only full of automobiles that was like bread dough mixed with raisins, making its way down Pinecone road, it plucked up cars from and the street. When it crashed into the Genefilles house, the shattering of safety glass made a terrific explosion sound. A door opened, and Katherine Genefilles fell out of the house, landing into the debris flow, Frank Genefilles tried to grab his wife, but failed. The family mourned the loss of their mom, who was 8 months pregnant at the time. The neighbor Hallie, Nathan Genefilles girlfriend could see the mom and called 911, and explained that a friend’s house was being destroyed with them inside. …show more content…

Fire trucks, ambulances, and police were searching the destroyed homes, looking for survivors. They got to the Genefilles house to find Nathan, Trever, Frank, Sammy, and Kellie stuck in the debris. Sammy who was only two at the time had it the worst; she had inhaled a lot of debris and was in emergency surgery. The rest of the Genefilles were checked into the hospital to make sure everything was ok, the entire family was anxious to know the condition of their family members; especially the new baby, if there was still going to be a new

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