Summary Of The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

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Have you ever been made fun of and picked on? In the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Arnold, a teenager on a small, depressed Indian reservation found and held on to hope, endured endless loss and somehow found a way to persevere through it all. The story starts on a small Indian reservation with not a lot of hope. Arnold goes to his first class, which is math. He gets his textbook and finds out it is the same one as his mom used! He then throws the book at his teacher Mr.P and gets suspended from school. While he is home on his suspension, Mr.P comes to visit his house and tells him, “You have to take your hope where other people have hope”. Arnold takes that advice and goes to Reardan, a very nice school where all the white …show more content…

His mom and dad talk about an alternative plan and they come up with a solution, shoot him. “So I heard the boom of my father’s rifle when he shot my best friend”. About 3 months later, his grandma, a legend at Indian pow-wows is walking home from a pow-wow when she is hit by a drunk driver. A few weeks after that, his dad’s best friend Eugene is shot and killed by one of his good friends, Bobby, over the last drink of wine. “We’d lost my grandmother and Eugene, how much loss are we supposed to endure?”. He considers dropping out of Reardan but after some encouragement from his friends, he stays in school but misses about a month. When he comes back to school, his teacher makes a mean comment regarding his loss in his life. His classmates take a stand and walk out on the teacher. Finally, his sister, who ran away to Montana, is killed by a fire that was created by someone leaving the stove on. “But it’s not too comforting to learn that your sister was too freaking drunk to feel any pain when she burned to death!”. Arnold is really saddened when he lost his sister because he liked her and they were

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