Summary Of Susan Minot's 'Lust'

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What it’s like to be a girl “What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl (For Those of You Who Aren’t),” is a poem written by Patricia Smith in 1955. She used rough words to describe what is like to be a black girl. “Lust” is a short story by Susan Minot who tells the story of a teenage white girl’s sexual desires in a descriptive way. Both authors talk about two young girls searching for them selves, trying to discover when will their true reflections show whom they really are inside. Smith tells the story from a young black girl’s eyes in the 1950s, while Minot tells it from the eyes of a young white girl in the 1960s. First of all, it’s being 9 years old and feeling like you’re not finished, like your edges are wild, like there’s something, …show more content…

Minot describes the girls sex acts with each individual boy in a short detail way. “You’d go on walks to get off campus. It was raining like hell, my sweater as sopped as a wet sheep. Tim pinned me to a tree, the woods light brown and dark brown, a white house half hidden with lights already on. The water was as loud as a crowd hissing. He made certain comments about my forehead, about my cheeks.” (Minot 333). Minot continues to describe the teenage girl lust for multiple boys through out the story. It was normal to have sex after you did it for the first time. Her parents didn’t even seem to care or notice what their daughter was doing. “My parents had no idea. Parents never really know what’s going on, especially when you’re away at school most of the time. If she met them, my mother might say, “Oliver seems nice” or “I like that one” without much of an opinion. If she didn’t like them, “He’s a funny fellow, isn’t he?” or “Johnny’s perfectly nice but a drink of water.” My father was too shy to talk to them at all unless they played sports and he’d ask them about that.” (Minot 334). Her mother couldn’t even recognize the change through her daughter’s eyes as sex began to her effect her. She was blind to see that her daughter was slowly fading away. Her father was too timid to put the fear in those boys minds so they won’t put a hand on his daughter, but respect her because he knows the mind set of a teenage boy. During the young girl sex escapades, she begins to loose herself as she realizes that she no longer existed to the boys after she opened her legs and gave them everything they wanted. “After sex, you curl up like a shrimp, something deep inside you ruined, slammed in a place that sickens at slamming, and slowly you fill up with an overwhelming sadness, and elusive gaping worry. You don’t try to explain it, filled with the knowledge that it’s nothing after all, everything

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