Summary Of Sister Flower And Are The Rich Happy By Maya Angelou

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It is one’s personal choice what type of essay they like to read. Every reader has a preference whether it is a descriptive or a narrative story they wish to read. While both Sister Flower by Maya Angelou and Are the Rich Happy by Stephen Leacock are stories that are written in third person. Angelou being the prospective of a child and Leacock that of friends talking. Both stories deal with how people are perceived by the person who is telling the story. This has to do with people being rich and how this effects who they are. Sister Flower is what it seems to be a woman of a higher class and is described as such in Leacock story even though the people in the story are well off but they really are not as rich as they seem.
Sister Flower from Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is a descriptive essay. According to Fiction a Descriptive essay uses the senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste to provide the reader with a mental image or feeling about the subject. When reading this essay I found of all that to be true. In this story I am taken back to when Angelou was a child. I almost hear her soft yet carrying voice of Sister Flower as she talked to Marguerite’s mother, smell the fresh baked homemade scones and taste the ice cold lemonade. This is what a descriptive essay should be. I could close my eyes and easily put myself in the story during that time.
Are the Rich Happy by Stephen Leacock which is a Narrative Essay which is defined as a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious type of story. Leacock is basically telling the story of how the character though he knew rich people when in actuality he did not because no matter how rich the people we...

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...ld The poor heard of someone rich who had once made 80,000 a year. He never described was this money brought him. Example; a palace castle horses and buggies and so forth. By the writer doing this. This would take the reader back to that day and time in life when that amount of money c be compared to like having $1,000,000 now a days. Although after reading the narrative essay I walked away learning something and did feel as though the essay was based on facts and statements, it still was not a selling point for me. I would not tell other you must read “Are the Rich Happy” by Leacock, However after reading Sister Flowers I felt as though with confidence and pride that I can say “You have to read “Sister Flowers” by Maya Angelou, It is breathtaking! This is the type of excitement I hope to get as I better myself as a new student and writer.

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