Summary Of Scorates 'Euthyphro'

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In Euthyphro, Scorates question Euthyphro about what he believes is the meaning of the piety. Scorates believe that he know the definition of piety and try to tell Socrates about it. This let Socrates to question the definition that Euthyphro gives. Scorates use this method to make Euthyphro to rethink what he believe was justice, and try to find the read answer. Socrates uses this method for anything he is investigating, and what to found the mean of. Socratic Method can make a person question what he or she believes is the definition of a subject. Euthyphro believe that he knew everything about piety, but after talking to Socrates question what he knew. Euthyphro first thought that prosecuting any who is guilty was the definition if pias,

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