Summary Of Refugees And Asylum Seekers By David Dalton

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Since the dawn of human evolution, humans have migrated across continents in search of food, shelter, safety, and hospitable weather. “Refugees & Asylum Seekers” by Dave Dalton, explores the causes and effects of people migration and the issues surrounding it. This book presents the facts but allows the readers to debate their views and form their own opinions. It includes case studies of historical and present-day examples that highlight important migrations, it features ‘consider this’ boxes to encourage thinking around connected issues such as human rights, racism and integration, and it uses primary source materials (maps, statistics, and timelines support the text) to help bring the issues to life. One central idea of “Refugees & Asylum …show more content…

These conflicts all affect civilians, they may even target civilians. In recent conflicts, civilian casualties have been as high as 84 percent of the total number of casualties. Angola is one of many African countries that have suffered years of civil war. Millions of people have been displaced from their homes by the conflict. On page 14, Rodrina Faustina tells how the war affected her and her family. “I am 42, married with six children. My son Faustino lost his leg when he stepped on a mine when he was twelve. We lived in Katabola village, but we had to leave last September because UNITA attacked the village…We walked here, it’s about 31 miles (50 kilometers), and it took us three days. At first we were put in schools in Kuito, then we came to this camp. This wasn’t the first time UNITA had attacked. In October 1990 they came to the village to the village, stealing things. I tried to escape but they shot me in the leg…” Refugees hope to return hope eventually. But sometimes, during or after wars, governments expel people. Some people expelled from their homelands settle down in destination. On the other contrary, others wait, perhaps for a long time, to return

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