Summary Of Laurie Halse Anderson's Chains

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The era of civil unrest in the 18th century by the patriots, or rebels, to unseat the loyalists or king’s people and gain freedom and liberty, and henceforth; independence was clearly outlined by Laurie Halse Anderson in her book “Chains”. It is the aim of this paper to bring forth the contributions of the slaves or servants of that time in accomplishing this mission and the relevance of the teenage-aged group of modern society. Chains The novel Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson is about a young girl who went through a hard time being a slave during the Revolutionary war. Many young adult books teach valuable lessons to its readers. Chains teach what one might call the mental power of human being to resist. The narrative novel presents middle …show more content…

It was a fearful moment from the time Isabel took the list of names of conspirators from the master’ home, walk through the night, onto the military headquarters and eventually to colonel Regan. The Revolution Americans wanted to be in charge of their own government and have more control over how their taxes were spent. The American Revolution or war of independence was fought to get rid of the king’s people, at that time in the Thirteen colonies, as they considered themselves British colonies. Lesson for Contemporary teenagers The book is very clear about their treatment by their masters. It emphasizes on the cruel treatment they were going through from their different masters. They were degraded, with little or no freedom. There was extremely physical and emotional abuse. The owners had no respect for their slave lives and hardships. Young teenagers should learn from the narrative essays that no matter what condition you find yourself there are those who sympathize with your situation and would want to come in to help. They should realize that there are other compatriots that are still suffering today under modern slavery or domestic slavery through human trafficking and to put up a campaign on their

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