Summary Of Gender Schema Theroy By Sandra Bem

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Gender Schema can be simply described as a child’s general understanding of society’s definition of male and female. The ideas of gender, that our culture has set up, effects children tremendously. Children categorize certain things and ideas as for boys or girls, there is really no in between. Younger girls tend to wear pink or colors that are considered “girly” simply because that is what they have been taught. It’s the same things for boys. Younger boys are taught to that they have to act tough and that they cannot be sensitive. Sandra Bem covers this a lot in her article “Gender Schema Theroy”. “Children are being taught sex-appropriate skills, personality attributes, behaviors and much more.”(Gender Schema Theory para. 1) We must realize that these things are taught not only by parents but by our society. …show more content…

Bem also speaks on the fact that by doing this we create a wall the blocks children from the chance to explore each side of the male and female role. Parents, mainly the father, tend to do this a lot. Parents are in fear of their children becoming gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Therefore, they set up these invisible boundaries, where the little girl can only play with little girl toys and the little boy can play with little boy toys. Although this affects both female and male, it affects little boys more. Even though little girls are told to play with their toys, if they were to step over this boundary and play with what is considered to be a boys’ toy, it is seen as cute or she is seen as a tomboy. However, if a little boy even speaks of playing with a girls’ toy, it is automatically shot down due to fear he will become feminine or

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