Summary Of Fast Food Nation

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Fast Food Nation, written by Eric Schlosser, is a 276 page book that was published in New York in the year 2001. This book exquisitely describes the beginning of how fast food started and where it has led us today. Eric Schlosser shows the corporate greed and manipulation McDonald’s started, and later many restaurants followed which destroyed the health and wellness of millions. This book ultimately shows us where money can bring us and how peoples’ only concern is usually the money being put in their pocket.
The intention Eric had for Fast Food Nation was to open our eyes to how the fast food business works. When we are getting fast food we do not think of the history behind it or what actually goes on in the kitchen, we blindly eat the food. The main lesson portrayed in this book is that there is no mystery to obesity in …show more content…

The soda we drink, the food we buy from fast food places; it all is unhealthy and life threatening in the long run. As Schlosser said, “Twenty years ago, teenage boys in the United States drank twice as much milk as soda; now they drink twice as much soda as milk.” One can of soda easily has more calories and sugar than half a gallon of milk. This shows that letting kids and teens to drink soda can easily become an addiction due to sugar intake and destroy our bodies due to the amount of calories. The more we drink, the more our body is hurt which can also lead to obesity. Also pointed out was that, “Behind them lies a simple explanation for why eating a hamburger can now make you seriously ill: There is shit in the meat.” Fast food burgers our made usually of the lowest grade meat, this is usually why our bodies our more sluggish or even severely ill. Schlosser’s biggest point was how fast food is

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