Summary Of David Kennedy's Over Here

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David Kennedy’s Over Here: The First World War and American Society demonstrates Americans connection to global society. President Wilson “called the newly elected 65th Congress into special session on April 2 to receive his war message.” Wilson’s message would impact America socially, economically, and politically; that would continue to influence America throughout the twentieth century. Wilson presented to Congress four proposals on how America was to wage war: a bold tax program, a compulsory draft of young men into the nation’s service, “for the enforced loyalty of all Americans in a cause to which many were indifferent or openly hostile, and, by implication, at least,” and the expansion of presidential powers. There are several social implication that were affected by these four proposals, mainly centering on the immigration …show more content…

Kennedy points out that “according to the census of 1910, one of every three Americans in that year had either been born abroad or had at least one parent born abroad. Of those 32 million persons from families with close foreign ties, more than ten million derived from the Central Powers.” Many immigrants still supported their Old Country; German agents had committed acts of sabotage to prevent the delivery of war materials to the Allies during the American neutrality period, 1914-1917, causing Wilson to expel German representatives from the country. Wilson (and others) believed American disloyalty was prevalent within the immigrant population, and in 1915 and 1916 launched attacks “against so-called hyphenated Americans. “There are citizens of the United States, I blush to admit,” Wilson told the Congress in his third annual message, “born under other flags but welcomed under our generous naturalization laws to the full freedom and opportunity of America,

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