Daniel Pinks Theory Of Motivation 3.0 Analysis

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Drive I do not deny what Daniel Pink says in Drive about Motivation 3.0. Pink explains how we all have different drives and motives to succeed in whatever it is we want to. He claims that carrots and sticks don’t work as well as they once had. Something has gone wrong in the way we operate our system. I celebrate the fact that we have the innate psychological need for autonomy, mastery, and purpose, witch leads to Motivation 3.0. Pinks theory of Motivation 3.0 is extremely useful because it sheds light on the difficult problem of the way we control many thing in the 21st century. Knowing what I know now will help me make a difference in the way Motivation 3.0 factors into my academic future such as being able receive an assignment and take …show more content…

People use rewards expecting to get motivation, but really rewards just make our mentality change to something completely different. It makes us dread the things we are being rewarded for. For instance, say I enjoy reading in my free time. A friend notices that the reading was something that came fairly easy to me, and she makes an offer to pay me to tutor her kids in reading every weekend. There is a thin line between work and doing something because I like it. The “reward” I’d be getting would drain the enjoyment out of reading for me, and make what I like to do on my free time work. I am a very self directed person I am fueled more by intrinsic desire I seem to find more satisfaction in the activity itself; knowing this about myself categorizes me in the Type I …show more content…

By creating this environment it give the workers an opportunity to go above and beyond. They’re creativity has no limit. If I was given a chance to create something of my own in a ROWE workplace my possibilities would be endless. Autonomy plays a big role in a persons attitude and performance, it is something that people hunt for. People have a capacity for self-direction and this self-direction is whats getting us closer to Motivation 3.0 and Type I behavior. We need to change they way we manage things. I agree when Pink writes “ Management isn’t about walking around seeing if people are in there offices. Its about creating conditions for people to do their best work.” (Pink 84). Why haven't I heard of this before reading Drive I can really relate with Pink point. If I am working

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