Summary Of Cynthia Rylant's Stray

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Some people in the world don’t think persistence with help them with life problems. In the story “Stray” by Cynthia Rylant, Doris knows that giving up is not an option. Doris doesn’t have much money and is an only child. The small dog sitting in the driveway is just a small ray of hope for Doris. With persistence by her side the little dog might end up being hers.
At the beginning of the story, everyone can see that Doris is using determination. She convinced her mother to feed the dog the table scraps. When Doris asked her mother to let the dog sleep in the basement. Her mother grudgingly lets it sleep in the basement. This incident shows if you do really want something being persistent is a way to go. Also, When she was shoveling outside

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