Summary Of Annie Dillard's Essay Living Like Weasels

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In Annie Dillard’s essay “Living Like Weasels,” she describes her encounter with a wild weasel, and how her recent research of the tenacious animal has led her to consider how humans live and what makes us so different from the beasts. Similarly, in a more domestic encounter, I too have been led to consider the nature of human life and why we should behave so differently from our animal counterparts. We can learn many lessons from even the most common creatures, and I feel that there is one perspective in particular we must reconsider adopting; a protective nature of empathy and love that will make us contemplate the difference between survival and living.
    In part three of her essay, Dillard describes her intimate encounter with a weasel, the indescribable strength of it, and how connecting to the animal’s mind and soul through a single look “felled the forest, moved the fields, and drained the pond; the world dismantled and tumbled into that black hole of eyes” (121). Dillard connected to the …show more content…

Nothing too serious, yet I spent most of my time sleeping and confined myself to my room as not to infect anyone else. Henry laid outside my door for hours, then snuck into my room when I left to grab more tissues. When I returned, he was sitting on my bed, waiting for me; after I climbed in, he leaned his body against my legs and lay his head across my feet. He gently comforted me, and he kept me company silently while I read, worked on homework, and, of course, slept.  Although everyone else in the house avoided me like I was the Grim Reaper, Henry loyally remained at my side. He even made sure I was caring for myself, knocking my water cup onto the floor when it was empty and kissing my face when I dozed off with my glasses on. He chose to care for me over himself; not in the mindless, survival driven way of Dillard’s weasel, but in the comforting, caring way of a

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