Summary In The Novel 'The Adoration Of Jenna Fox'

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The book The Adoration of Jenna Fox begins with Jenna waking from her coma. Upon awakening from her coma, Jenna has no recollection of her past 17 years. As a child, she grew up living with her mother (Clare).and her father. After the accident, her father was not home often, he was always traveling with business and medical research. They also ended up moving in with Clare’s Mom and Jenna’s grandmother (Lily). Shortly after Jenna awoke from her coma, Jenna’s mother gave here videos of herself, to help recall all the memories she had lost. Jenna began to feel that the people who said they were her parents, were not telling her the truth. Jenna felt like they were making up everything they knew about her. Jenna began watching a couple of …show more content…

Jenna eventually watched a video of herself playing soccer. She noticed in the video she had cut her chin.. After the video she thought to herself, I don't have a scar now, do scars hear like that? Jenna decided to seek answers and disobeyed her mother's rules. She began to leave home and explore for answers to her past.. She ended up meeting her neighbor Mr. Bender. Mr. Bender knew a lot about her and the past. Jenna talked to Mr. Bender for a while, and finally asked how Mr. Bender knew all about her? Mr. Bender lied, and told her he learned about her by exploring the internet. Jenna eventually left visiting with Mr. Bender and felt she had met a friend, her only friend. While Jenna was walking home, she came across a little creek and slipped into it. The fall sparked a flashback of when she was young and nearly drowned.. This was the first memory that she remembered since the accident. When Jenna got home, her mother seemed overly anxious to get her wound fixed on her knee. A day later, Jenna went with her grandmother to their Catholic Church. Jenna thought that Lily was not fond of her, but went anyway. She went primarily, because anything was better than being at …show more content…

She decides to explore more of her house, because she really hasn’t seen the whole thing. She always felt that she was a guest at her own home. She explores her parents room first. Jenna finds a closet that is locked. She knows her mother doesn’t want her going in there, but she is too curious to leave it alone. She then remembers that her mom always keeps a key under her mattress. Jenna quickly heads to the end of her mother's bed. She reaches under the mattress with her hand and feels the key. She grabs the key and quietly moves over to the closet not wanting her mother to hear. She puts the key in the door and opens it, finding an empty room with three computers sitting in it. She walks up to the computers and noticed that all three computers were labeled with names on them. She finds hers and tries to get it out of the brace that it was screwed in from. Jenna cuts her hand and then sees that blue goo was leaking from her hand. She walks up to her mother yelling at her to explain everything! Jenna’s mother explains to Jenna that the only way to save her after the accident was to use bio gel. She begs Jenna not to tell anyone about her secret. The next day Jenna works at the church with Ethan and tells Ethan the whole story about her secret. Then Ethan comes out and says that he had attacked a drug dealer, who had hooked his brother on big

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