Throughout life, an individual must undergo many obstacles to reach their life's climactic point of success. Regrettably, an individual may not be able to enjoy their life's highest point of accomplishment-because they are deceased! For example, in “A Letter to His Wife, 1861”, Sullivan Ballou (1861) died in the First Battle of Bull Run, a war led by former President Abraham Lincoln. Ballou wrote a letter to his beloved wife named Sarah; the delivery of the letter was contingent upon his death. Ballou fought for what he believed in- civil rights, and the safety of his country; I believe Ballou reached the climactic point in his life when he died for his country: a war hero.
Sullivan Ballou's family suffered a great loss upon his death, he was a loving father and husband. Ballou also realized he experienced a great loss, when he stated “The memories of the blissful moments I have spent with you come creeping over me, and I feel most gratified to God and to you that I have enjoyed them so long.”(p.445) On the date Ballou's letter was written, I believe his life flashed before his eyes, and he was able to collect all of the great memories he shared with his family and expose them in his touching letter. Ballou acknowledged how fortunate he was, when he was enjoying life with his family; he realized the loss he would undergo upon his failure to return to them. Ballou was a honorable man, and although he left behind a family: wife & two sons; Ballou realized it was his responsibility to fight a war that can end suffering for his country as a whole, but in return, the war can create a new form of suffering for his family, upon his death.
Ballou admitted his faults to his wife in his letter, he stated “Forgive my many faults...
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...ade to choose him for the spiritual task. Job realized he had to experience loss and suffering in the name of God to pass the test God bestowed upon him. God stated “Who is that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up your loins like a man, I will question you, and you shall declare to me... Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth” (p.667) God notified Job he was in no position to question the loss he must undertake in order to complete his mission. Job realized the meaning of his life, when he realized the magnitude God went to convince him of his calling. Job forgave himself for his sacrifices, because he realized it was instructed by God.
Unfortunately life has many hurdles and roads unturned. I do not feel we should regret the mistakes we have made in our past. Or else, we may be too hesitant to make correct choices in our future.
...n the world. Job questions what god is really doing for him. Then god talks to job in question form about the creation of the earth. This shows that jobs is very small compared to god, so small that he cannot even being to understand some of the the things god is telling him. Chapter 38 proves to job that humans are far below the power of god then in chapter 42 job quickly shames himself for the previous things he said.
Some talked of God, of his mysterious ways, ...and of their future deliverance. But I had ceased to pray. How I sympathized with Job! I did not deny God’s existence, but I doubted His absolute justice. (42)
reveals the concept that those dying at the peak of their glory or youth are
“Living and dying is not the big issue. The big issue is what you are going to do with your time while you are here.” This is a quote announced by Bill T Jones and the quote is quite explanatory. Yes one lives then they die. Although what did they accomplish with their time of existence? Did they make a difference in the world? Bill T Jones can say he has accomplished many things and he did and is still making a difference in the world. He is an important person in American history because of his many talents/accomplishments involving artist director, choreographer, and dancer.
He wants to find a way to justify God’s actions, but he cannot understand why there are evil people who “harm the childless woman, / and do no good to the widow,” only to be rewarded with long, successful lives (Job 24:21). Job’s friends, say that God distributes outcomes to each person as his or her actions deserve. As a result of this belief, they insist that Job has committed some wrongdoing to merit his punishment. God himself declines to present a rational explanation for the unfair distribution of blessings and curses. He still suggests that people should not discuss divine justice since God’s power is so great that humans cannot possibly justify his
In the beginning of Job we see God sacrifice Job to Satan’s tests. God is a just and forgiving being but in this piece of the story God allows Job to be tortured even though he did nothing wrong. After Job has been ripped apart by Satan, we see Job question God’s justice for Job does not understand what he has done to receive this treatment. Job continues to suffer and grieve his current situation and even has friends tell him that he must be in the wrong and still God says nothing to Job. God continues to not communicate with Job which is very different from how he handled his relationships with his followers in Genesis. When God does finally communicate with Job it does not seem that it is solely to rescue him from his sufferings but to lay to rest the accusations of Job’s friends about God’s ways. God speaks to Job’s friends as if he does not know them. In the Book of Job is where we see that God has begun to allow his people to form relationships with him if they chose. God does not impose himself on them like he did with Adam and Eve. If the people come to him and form a relationship with him then he will begin to bless
...s is related to his philosophy about doing the right thing and about a being a good person. But it goes beyond this. He spoke often about having true compassion. It isn’t enough to help those in need, but we must truly care about them, to take a good look and see how they got that way. He asked us to examine how we as a society can change the conditions that led them to be there in the first place. Doing this makes us better as people. I have found that it also makes me feel better. Never give up on your dreams. While his life was cut tragically short, he died in pursuit of his dream and in spite of everything he faced, he never gave up on it. He faced obstacles I could never imagine having to face, and still persisted. This reminds me that the small things in my life that often seem insurmountable, are just my excuses for not taking action and are not obstacles.
Everyone makes mistakes, yet even the smallest of mistakes can change the entire course of history given a time machine and a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Learn to cherish the life on this Earth, and don’t let poor choices dictate the future ahead. Making the right decision is key to success, and only we can choose what successes we want to
Job was a man of the purest faith. When the world shunned God, Job's faith never declined. Job was a wealthy, handsome man with a beautiful wife and a vast amount of property. At some point in time, Satan made a bet with God that if Job situation was changed, his faith would quickly falter. On this note, God took Job's wealth, his property, his family, and his wife. When times were at their worst, God gave Job pus welts on Job's face, taking his looks. Job's faith, however, did not falter, instead it becamestronger. Job passed the test. God then healed Job, gave him more land, greater wealth , and a better wife. Job was baffled, he wondered the purpose behind his fall and rise. When he asked God this, God replied: "...Because I'm God." That was answer enough.
...el is advice, but they are really just condemning him. Job doesn't let them break his faith. He knows his hope lies in the Lord and he knows that if he strays from his faith he will not see the glory of Heaven. Job never received the reason for why he suffered. Like Job, we may go through many struggles and never understand why God would bring us to tragedy. It's not our job to question why, it's our job to know that if God brings us to it, God will see us through it. God does all things for our good. Job shows us that even when we don't understand it's important to always keep our faith. The best lesson to take from Job is in times of trial we should be still and know that he is God.
So, in order to learn from your past mistakes and to grow for a more hopeful future, you need to reflect, think about what wrong, and figure out what you need to do different. If you do that you will go through life not afraid to do things that might make you relive the situation. Don’t just block out your problem, try to fix it. If you fix your problems, life will be
... grasp why he was put in that position, never blamed God or felt that he was punishing him, but had continual faith that he would see him through his tragedy. Job’s friends could not realize the bigger picture and trust in God to now that Job did nothing wrong.
Throughout my life, I have made one mistake after another, but what I find important through those mistakes is how I overcome those mishaps no matter how big they were. I am a human being just like anyone, but unlike many people that I have come to know, I have always been able admit and to overcome my mistakes big or small. Mishaps teaches you valuable life lessons and helps one to evolve and grow. What happens when you start learning anything? You make mistakes, don't you? You make many mistakes until finally you are able to ride a bike or drive a car. Life is full mistakes and without them you do not learn how to live.
The first and the most common regret is choosing the wrong major. The major reason people regret the decision they made years back is either because they do not get a suitable job in their required field or they have no more interest in their field.
In The Book of Job, one of the main themes is desire, more specifically the desire to know the actuality. Job is a wealthy man living in a land of Uz with his family minding his own business. He is a very religious man and usually strives to do what he believes is morally right. Satan one day challenges God that Job will lose his faith in him if he allows Satan to torture Job. God accepts the challenge and Job greatly suffers. Job at the beginning of the story had no desires or intentions at all, but as his condition gets worse and worse. Job mindset about God and his belief begins to shift. At this point in the story desire starts to play a key role in Job’s life. Desire is shown in Job when he demands answers from God and why God is putting him through all of this. The idea of questioning God terrifies Job but his desire for an answer ultimately overshadows his fear of questioning God, “Here is my desire...