Suffering In Life Of Christ By Archbishop Fulton Sheen

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Many of us suffer in our lives, Archbishop Fulton Sheen endured suffering from a ten year disgruntled with his superior, Cardinal Francis Spellman. Though this was difficult, Sheen did not act out of bitterness and never publicly spoke ill of Cardinal Spellman. It was through this suffering that one of the greatest fruits came from Sheen’s life, the writing of his book Life of Christ. It is through this that Sheen shows the good that comes out of suffering and we can always expect suffering. It was Christ that said “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:18-25).

Although Christ promises persecution for his followers, God never intended for suffering to enter the world. Suffering is a consequence of death, which was brought into the world by Adam and Eve. It is our continual choice to sin that keeps suffering in our world and the only ways we could eliminate it is by matching our will to God’s or by God taking away our free will. Since the latter option will never happen, our continual suffering is brought on by ourselves and our resistance to align our wills with God’s. …show more content…

Some moments it feels as if we suffer much more than we experience joy, but we are meant to suffer greatly here for the bliss that awaits in heaven. As Sheen says, “pleasure is reserved for the next world; that is why it plays traitor to us here. Pain is not intended for the next world that is why we can exhaust it here" (Zia

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