Success is Its Own Reward

675 Words2 Pages

Ever heard of the say “success is its own reward”? Well, it is.

Students should never get paid for good grades. First of all, where will the money come from? Secondly, money could go to waste, and that same money could be used for better things. Third, students are at school for their own will. Finally, students could cheat for money.

Firstly, if we pay the students, where will we get the money from? As is, teachers don’t get paid a lot. One of the schools in Chicago enforced the policy to reward students based on their grades. However, after one year, the school was forced to terminate this policy due to the lack of funds. Even though this arrangement is adequate, it is short- lived; the cost of this policy is not possible for schools to promote. This shows that there will not be enough money for all the schools to pay their kids.
Second, the money could be used for the wrong purpose. The kids could use the money for drugs. Is that what we want? No. We should never make it so easy for the kids to do wrong things.

Furthermore, the money that would go to the students could be used for better things.
Research says that, lots of students have to pay to go. We can donate money to good causes. “There are far too many children who can not attend school due to extreme poverty or other difficult circumstances in their homes. For these children, obtaining an education is a dream, something they wish for and pray for. Unfortunately, their chances are very small indeed.” We need to remember that money is not something to be thrown around. We need to help people with the same money, instead of giving it to students for getting good grades.

Next, students are at school for their own better futures. Why should the school pay? The gov...

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...ards for getting good marks. There are already scholarship for hard working students.

Along with my last point, it is known that since kids get money for doing chores, they should get it for getting good marks too.

Nevertheless, whoever came up with the idea of paying kids for chores was out of their mind. The kids were the ones who ate in those plate. The clothes they are washing are the one that they wore. So, there is no reason at all for the kids to get paid for cleaning after their own selves. Responsibility is nonexistence to everybody these days.

In conclusion, students should not be paid for good grades. We do not have so much money that we can distribute it to kids getting good grades. Next, money could get used for the wrong purposes.Third, students are at school for themselves. Finally, students might cheat to get the money. Final, amazing sentence.

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