Stuxnet Worm

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According to Riley Walters, a researcher on foreign and national policy, an average of 160 successful cyber attacks occur every week on various U.S. industries in attempts to gain confidential information (1). Similar to other national security challenges following the 9/11 attacks, cyber threat can originate from unexpected places, resulting in a creation of a dynamic risk to national security. Cyber attackers can come from places such as the intelligence gathering components of foreign militaries or organized terrorist organizations, to any experienced individual. Each have different abilities and operating methods, making their threats difficult to counter (Rollins Henning 1). Year after year, federal agencies report an ever increasing amount …show more content…

It is most widely known for delaying Iran’s nuclear development program by disabling the control systems for their nuclear centrifuges. The W32 stuxnet was discovered in June 2010 on approximately 100,000 hosts spanning over 25 nations including the U.S. and Russia (see fig. …show more content…

In retaliation for the Stuxnet attack, Iran created and funded Cleaver, an organization of trained and experienced technicians operating with malicious intent. According to Cylance, Cleaver has targeted some of the most sensitive infrastructural companies in the world, including military, oil and gas, telecommunications, and even aerospace industries spanning over 50 major countries including the U.S. (12). Similar to the operating capabilities of Stuxnet, Cylance operations have the capability to sabotage and disable to a certain degree, Industrial Control Systems(ICS) as well as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA) networks. (Cylance 14). ICS and SCADA networks control a significant portion of a nation’s infrastructure from power plants to transportation systems. The destructive capabilities from cyber operations have the potential to alter or disable infrastructure vital to the daily functions of an entire nation. As cyber threats become more prevalent, the U.S. has established dynamic initiatives to counter the evolving threat of cyber attacks, such as Initiative 10 of the National Cybersecurity Initiative, which created organized response and early warning capabilities as well as provided coordination between foreign authority and private sector organizations (Comprehensive 3). The initiatives directly affect how national defense is

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