Studying Two Alan Bennett Monologues

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Studying Two Alan Bennett Monologues


A monologue is a play with a single performer. The word monologue is

of Greek origin and comes from mono-logos. Mono means 'word of one

person' and logos means 'voice' hence monologue, 'one voice'.

Alan Bennett's work is impressive and his understanding of

characterization is second to none. He has an ability to capture the

life- styles and backgrounds of the characters he creates. The

language of each character brings forward clichés that can be humorous

although in my view this might not have been always intentional.

In carrying out my research I found an article in The Times Newspaper

where Alan Bennett recognized that although he calls this work a

series of monologues they could be plays. In fact, two of his

monologues have been lengthened to enable them to be performed in the


The article also stated that they could, equally well, be called short

stories, for although none has a conventional short story

construction, each has a plot, of sorts. It is a measure of Bennett's

skill with language, that all of the scripts establish detail, plot

and development of character.

A Lady of Letters

Patricia Routledge was cast in the BBC production to play Irene

Ruddock, a middle aged woman who writes letters.

We soon discover that what she regards as her public responsibility

has in the past turned into libel.

As a result legal action has been taken against her and she has been

bound over to keep the peace by a court for writing invasive and

offensive letters to her neighbours.

Irene Ruddock is a lonely and sad woman. The death of her mother had a


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...nd she instead concentrates on the fact that:

"Her mother was blind, but made beautiful pastry and she raised a

family of nine in three rooms."

Another example of this is Irene's friendship with the pyromaniac


"She shouldn't actually be in here in fact, she's not all there, but

there's nowhere to put her. Apparently she sets fire to places…she's

got a good heart."

Alan Bennett makes 'A Cream Cracker under the Sofa' dramatic by

raising your hopes about Doris's chances of being saved, but the

audiences' hopes are dashed when she tells the police officer she's



Monologues written and directed, as were both "A Cream Cracker under

the Sofa'/'A Lady of Letters' provide audiences with thought-provoking

drama. I enjoyed watching and studying in detail Alan Bennett's


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