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Caesar uprising and downfall
Caesar uprising and downfall
Caesar uprising and downfall
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Julius Caesar Study Guide question
Act I
1. What did Marallus and Flavius ask the people to do about the decorations?
They told them to take down all the decorations and stop celebrating.
2. "Beware the ides of March" (21)
The soothsayer says this to Caesar. He is warning Caesar that something bad is going to happen to him on March 5.
3. How does Caesar view Cassius?
He thinks he is not satisfied with his position. He wants people who are satisfied around him and he doesn't think Cassius is one of those people. He also thinks he is "lean and hungry" and men like that are dangerous.
4. What are some factors that make the people fickle?
They are always changing their minds. For example, before they were cheering for Pompeii but when Caesar defeated him, they started to favor him. They also change their minds when Antony and Brutus give their speeches about Caesar after his death. At first, they were on the side of Brutus. However, once Antony gave his speech they changed their fickle minds.
5. What does Caesar do when he is offered the crown? How does the crowd feel about this?
He denies the crown. The crowd cheers for him because of his decision. They still want him to be king.
6. What is one way Cassius fools Brutus into joining the Conspirators?
He makes fake notes from the people and leaves them in his office so that Brutus will think Caesar is a bad person.
7. How does Brutus feel when Caesar is offered the crown?
He is a little upset but yet happy for him because Brutus is known for his honor. Brutus is scared that Caesar will get too much power and Brutus won't have any power anymore.
8. Why does Cassius dislike Caesar?
He doesn't like Caesar because he does not want him to have power. In some way he is also jealous ...
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... right because Caesar was his father. So, in a way he had the right of taking his place instead of Antony. He also felt he should have more power.
Act V
1. Who stabbed Cassius? Why?
Pindarus killed Cassius. He killed him because Cassius told him to. Cassius told him to because he thought Titanius was seized by the other army.
2. What does Titanius do when he finds out about Cassius?
He kills himself in honor of Cassius.
4. Who kills Brutus? Why?
Brutus technically kills himself. He has someone hold his sword while Brutus runs into it. He did this because he knew the battle was over and did not want anyone to have the honor of killing him.
5. How does Caesar's ghost play a role in the battle?
The ghost plays a role in the battle because everyone starts to kill themselves and so it is thought that the ghost of Caesar is turning all of the weapons against them.
Cassius, a very suspicious character throughout the play tells Brutus to “be not jealous on me” (827), in the quote he tells Brutus to not be suspicious of him because he is just a friend who genuinely cares. Cassius does this to put himself on Brutus’ side and not seem like a distant person, this allows him to criticize Caesar and suggest that he is a bad influence on Rome which appeals to Brutus’ desire to keep Rome safe. After setting himself up as a friend to Brutus, Cassius uses harsh anecdotes on the weakness of Caesar to show that he isn’t fit to rule Rome. Cassius recollects a time when he and Caesar went swimming in the river Tiber and Caesar screamed “Help me, Cassius or I sink” (828) to depict Caesar as a little baby compared to the colossus he is said to be.... ... middle of paper ...
It would seem that the Soothsayer is loyal to Caesar because he tries to warn him of the dangers that will occur on that day.
Marcus Brutus killed Julius Caesar, on March 15. Many people were involved with the murder of Caesar; however, Brutus had the biggest part in the assassination. According to Source four (by Plutarch, a historian) “Brutus kept him (Caesar) outside the house, and delayed him with a long conversation on purpose.” Therefore, Brutus made sure that the other people planning to kill Caesar would be ready. Also, according to Source Eight, Brutus said to Caesar, “.Nonsense.
In this scene, Caesar shows no eagerness to gain power or fame as the citizens have assumed therefore showing no ambition whatsoever. The imagery and logical reasoning persuade the audience into rethinking if Caesar was ambitious and believe that Caesar was
that Caesar is just putting on an act and that once he becomes king he will not be as nice
First of all, Caesar always felt entitled to himself and always had the audacity to see everyone as beneath him. A great example of Caesar’s bravery and fearlessness is when he was eighteen and was escape the punishment from the dictator Sulla, so in the process he was captured by pirates, who decided to be help for ransom. “When they demanded twenty talents for his ransom, he laughed at them for not knowing who he was, and spontaneously promised to give them fifty talents instead, Next after he had dispatched friends to various cites to gather the money…he felt so superior to them that whenever he wanted to sleep, he would order them to be quiet” . Even being surrounded by murderous pirates clearly out numbered, he refused to let them think that they were in charge while he was in their captivity for thirty-eight days.
“Remember March, March 15th. Didn’t great Caesar bleed for the sake of justice?” afterwards Brutus reminds Cassias of the reason he killed Caesar it was to save Rome, Great Caesar bled so Rome could live. Brutus loved Caesar as a friend, but he did not think he would be right to lead. “The only way is to kill Caesar.
Brutus has a naive view of the world. He is unable to see through the roles being played by Cassius, Casca, and Antony. He does not even recognize the fake letters were sent from Cassius. Then Brutus says,“You shall not blame us Antony, in your funeral speech, but speak all the good you can of Caesar.
“Caesar was a brilliant general, a clever engineer, and administrator of genius, and a leader who demanded and commanded loyalty. He also was a corrupt politician” (Dando-Collins 4). Caesar would go on to be a dictator and his gain in power would corrupt him. He often bypassed the Senate, taking their power away. With Caesar’s growing power the Senate feared that they would soon lose their political relevance.
Julius Caesar is a moral, ethical man. He is a selfless man who puts others before himself. When Artemidorus gets word of the conspirator’s plans, he writes a letter to Caesar to warn him of his impending fate and rushes to the Capitol to give him word. Upon telling Caesar the letter is concerning him, Caesar simply brushes it off and responds, “What touches oneself shall be served last”(III,I, 8). Caesar altruistically puts aside an urgent manner concerning him to accept the offer of becoming King of Rome, which is the reason he went to the Capitol in the first place, which shows he is a benevolent, thoughtful person. In
It is divided into five acts. In the opening act, two tribunes, Marullus and Flavius, disrupt a crowd of Roman citizens who were celebrating Caesar’s victorious homecoming from war. The triumph is taking place through public games. Mark Antony, Caesar’s general takes active part in these games. On his way to the celebration Caesar is stopped by a soothsayer who cautions him by saying ‘Beware the Ides (15th) of March.’1
...e murder because of his jealousy of Caesar's elevated power and mounting dominance over everyone, even his friends. Though they were close friends, their motives and descriptive character traits display a distinct contrast between them.
Throughout the entire play, Brutus proves to have Rome’s best interest in mind and strives to be honorable. In the beginning of the play, Brutus is talking to Cassius and he remarks, “set honor in one eye and death i' th' other, and I will look on both indifferently, for let the gods so speed me as I love the name of honor more than I fear death” (1.2.88-91). Brutus feels very strongly about having a humble mindset. Brutus is so humble that he worries more about
sc. II, 97-99). Cassius is also enraged because Caesar doesn't like him. Caesar suggests, "Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; / He thinks too much. such men are dangerous" (Act I, sc. II, 194-195). Cassius thinks that Caesar's temper is dangerous. He declares, "Ye gods! It doth amaze me, / A man of such a feeble temper should / So get the start of the majestic world, / And bear the palm alone" (Act I, sc. II, 128-131). See also & nbsp; Casca also is jealous of Caesar.
of March.” (Act 1. Scene 2. Line 21) On March 15, the date that Caesar was