'Structural Functionalism In Wreck It Ralph'

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Wreck It Ralph is an animated Disney movie that takes us beyond the arcade screen, through power cables and surge protectors to the innerworkings of the arcade, where the main character, Ralph, travels to different video games to earn a medal and prove himself a hero. Along the way, Ralph meets and befriends a young glitch prone racecar driver named Vanellope in the game of Sugar Rush. Together they go on a wild adventure to help Vanellope win her game’s big race to prove herself the racer she knows she is, and Ralph to be the hero he knows he is. Wreck It Ralph uses multiple sociological principles in the movie, and in the end, teaches us not to judge one another, but instead to accept each other for the good and the bad. Structural Functionalism …show more content…

Throughout the movie, Ralph displays several behaviors and traits that are considered deviant behavior. Deviance is defined as behavior that is different from the normal behavior within a certain group, and this behavior is looked down upon by the rest of the group (Ferris & Stein, 2016). Within the world of Fix it Felix, all the characters are nice people, hence the term “Nicelanders”, except Ralph whose character is programmed to break things. The Nicelanders look at Ralph with disdain because of his destructive nature; he is seen as a deviant. It is Ralph’s desire for the Nicelanders’ acceptance that leads him to commit a “crime” by game jumping and entering Hero’s Duty to earn a medal of honor and be deemed as a hero. Even though Ralph’s character is programmed to be the bad guy and his job is to break things, he is a good guy who just wants to be loved and accepted. His general good guy nature deviates from what is perceived as normal behavior for a villain. Another act of deviance portrayed by Ralph was when he snuck cherries from the Pacman World (it is against the rules to take an item from one game world to another) and then gave them to the homeless Qbert characters. While everyone in Game Central Station was running from Ralph the villain, he did a kind deed and displayed his inner good

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