Essay On Structural Functionalism

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Today’s society thrives off of technology. Technology is all around and is at society’s disposal at all times now more than ever and at this rate will become more and more of a necessity in the future. In return, millions of people fail to realize just how society contributes to environmental issues that we play a part of daily.
The macro-level approach of Structural-functional analysis highlights connections that link environmental issues to the way today’s society operate and also, what they operate for several decades complex technology continues to raise a threat of damage to the environment, and also cultural values that encourage technological development, materialism, and the growth of the economy (Macionis, pg. 479). Along with these issues, environmental sociologists emphasize that environmental problems are the result of human decisions and activities that harm the environment ( From one single person to big corporations, decisions we as society make daily are harming the environment intentionally, non-intentionally and sometimes without thought. Either way, the environment is suffering. I believe that many of our environment …show more content…

Structural-functionalism points out how “powerful a society’s technology is, the greater the capacity to alter the natural world” (Macionis, pg. 479). Moreover, the destruction of the environment doesn’t just fall solely on how each single human operates, but also firms, governmental agencies and large corporations play a major role in harming the environment. Some of the activities such as keeping our house warm in the winter, driving motor vehicles are considered as necessities but it would help the environment if we avoided activities that are not

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