Stravinsky Rite Of Spring Essay

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Stravinsky opens the Rite of Spring with a three-measure phrase melody played by a solo bassoon spelling out 024579. The bassoon continues to measures 4 and 5 emphasizing 013 by repetition (A, B-flat, C). The clarinet responds in the next measure with overlapping 0235 pitch classes. In measures 7 to 9, the bassoon returns to the opening material of 024579 and the English horn responds with 0257 in measures 10 and 11. Set class 0257 will play an important role in the movement and will be the basis for its expanded variation in measures 15 to 19. Measure 12 functions as a cadential harmony with pitch class 0157. This harmony is important since it will be recalled later on in the pizzicato of the cello in measures 73 to 75 thereby preparing the …show more content…

This time, clarinets play the 0257 set while accompanied by bassoons playing chromatic passages. The clarinet and horn in measures 20 to 24 have set class 0137 while the flute and horn in measures 25 to 27 have 0146. Both classes carry the same interval vector and may be related since they function as the main underlying harmonies in this section. In the melody, the piccolo clarinet plays a chromatic material followed by a tritone in measure 22 similar to measure 5. In measure 25, set class 0347 appears in the oboe. This is important since it shows the possible coexistence of a major and minor tetrachord. The woodwinds in measures 31 to 34 presents and emphasizes 0358 by alternating it with various other pitch sets. The bassoon in measures 42 to 45 repeat 0235. In measure 54, the clarinet features the melody with 0257. The return of this set seems to prepare the return of the opening material in measure 66. Measure 57 presents a harmony in the bassoon and the basses with 01469 preparing the harmony of the next movement (0134689). In measure 71, after the return of the opening material, the bass clarinet plays a descending passage of overlapping 0257 and 0157. Both sets are important since they relate to major pitch sets in the

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