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Importance of strategic human resource management
Importance of strategic human resource management
Importance of strategic human resource management
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Writing Assignment #4
Strategic human resource management can be defined as the linking of human resources with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational culture that foster innovation, flexibility and competitive advantage. In an organization SHRM means accepting and involving the HR function as a strategic partner in the formulation and implementation of the company's strategies through HR activities such as recruiting, selecting, training and rewarding personnel (Sinha, 2007). This is the effective way of organizing the workforce by the adoption of a specific strategy, where employees' performance can help to achieve the planned organizational targets, such as increasing revenue or improving the profit margin. However, there is no common strategic human resource definition that fits every situation (Lotinggi, 2008). This paper will focus on strategic human resource management at Smarte Carte, Inc. and attempt to make a determination if the company uses SHRM effectively or if there are areas where improvements could be made.
Smarte Carte Inc., is a vending services company that specializes in unattended vending in four segregated markets: luggage carts for rent at airports, shopping carts and baby strollers at shopping malls, electronic locker storage at a variety of locations such as transportation facilities, ski resorts, theme and water parks, and massage chairs located in airports, malls, fitness centers, and now even Wal-Mart. They have operations throughout the U.S. and Canada and a growing presence in Australia and New Zealand. Smarte Carte’s corporate office is located in St. Paul, MN where they employ 65 employees while employing approximately another ...
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...ing enough in internal training and compliance audits to lower their risk in expensive employee litigation.
Two key strategies that Smarte Carte has implemented in the recent past is a greater reliance on expert outside legal counsel for fighting and resolving labor law cases and adding employment practices liability insurance to prevent or cap large settlements in labor law disputes. With employment law becoming an increasingly complicated dimension of the employment relationship, it is more likely that managers unversed in the changing aspects of laws may commit violations (Mello, 2011). The reality of it boils down to even when you’re correct and did everything right in handling an employee situation, it costs an organization a significant amount of money defending itself. Smarte Carte’s strategy for utilizing outside counsel and EPLI is a good strategy.
In 1980, a precedent was set in a Michigan court case involving a man named Charles Toussaint who was suing his employer, BlueCross Blue Shield, for wrongful termination based on the guidelines set in the employee manual (Alfred and Bertsche 33). The manual stated that employees would only be terminated for just cause, and the court decided that Blue Cross had violated the agreements in the employee manual (34). The court also ruled that even with Blue Cross’s efforts to provide a document that “issued non-binding guidelines” the employee manual was a contract and Toussiant was wrongfully terminated (34). After the precedent set by this case many employers and employees for that matter were reviewing their employee manuals for the type of ambiguous language that could allow them to get sued or sue. Consequently, a slew of wrongful termination lawsuits followed this one, which is why it is now important for employers to draft their manuals with experienced legal staff. Even with the best legal team and the perfect wording there is still no definite assurance that an employer will be completely protected from such lawsuits, but taking these preventive measures helps in the long run.
Bennett-Alexander, Dawn D. & Hartman, Laura P. (2001). Employment Law for Business (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Primis Custom Publishing. Downloaded February 4, 2008 from the data base of http://www.eeoc.gov
HRM in any company is a weighty issue that needs much attention where business performance is linked to a HR strategy (Caldwell 2008; Ulrich et al. 2008). In the recent past, competition has become stiff, such that organizations need to come up with other means to compete in the extremely dynamic market world. Thus, companies have shifted their emphasis to Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) where they enhance and empower their personnel in order to increase the productivity and the services offered into the market (Mello 2006). This goes against the traditional ways of increasing the means of competition where organizations place emphasis on tangible resources. In the past, organizations competed in terms of machinery and acquisitions. This has changed greatly due to the changing customer tastes and the diversity of the market in the present (Delery & Doty 1996; Lengnick-Hall et al. 2009).
equally and lawfully treat or even hire workers can expose the agency to action such as lawsuits,
Many client cases are headed for litigation, but Ms. Barton also helps employers avoid court by taking preventative measures such as establishing guidelines for employee handbooks.
Legal issues can complicate the planning process and put the company in a difficult situation. Boeing has been sued a number of times involving differences in gender pay and used aggressive strategies to defend their position by their legal team. With the previous lawsuits, Boeing claimed attorney client privilege to hide internal documents prepared by their attorneys about pay differences and earlier cases were thrown out. With the latest lawsuit though, Boeing was forced t...
In today’s modern business environment, human resources (HR) plays a critical role in keeping executives informed of key legislation and minimizing the organization’s risk exposure. Expectations are high and HR responsibilities are broad, including recruitment, retention, performance management, risk management, training and education, and employee safety, wellness, and benefits. When it comes to employment regulations and ever-changing legislation, executives rely heavily on HR professionals to be subject matter experts. Age discrimination suits are on the rise and post-termination lawsuits can be a real threat to an organization. The Supreme Court’s (SC) ruling on McKennon versus Nashville Banner Publishing Company (NBPC) increased an
In the 1980’s, the birth of a new concept called ‘Human Resource Management’ was born. This trend comes after an intense period of Taylorisation, Fordism and now, McDonaldisation. HRM came to counter balance these trends and to consider the concept of the Man as a Man and not as a machine. For the last several decades, the interests of companies in "strategic management" have increased in a noteworthy way. This interest in strategic management has resulted in various organizational functions becoming more concerned with their role in the strategic management process. The Human Resource Management (HRM) field has sought to become integrated into the strategic management process through the development of a new discipline referred to as Strategic Resource Management (SHRM). In current literature, the difference between SHRM and HRM is often unclear because of the interconnections linking SHRM to HRM. However, the concepts are slightly different. Thus, we can ask, what is strategic human resource management? What are the main theories and how do they work? What do they take into account and how are they integrated? What are the links between SHRM and organization strategy? In order to answer to these questions, we will precisely define strategic human resource management, followed by a look at the different approaches built by theorists, and finally, we will see the limits between the models and their applications depending on the company’s environment. Discussion Strategic Human Resource Management: definition Strategic human resource management involves the military word ‘strategy’ which is defined by Child in 1972 as "a set of fundamental or critical choices about the ends and means of a business". To be simpler, a strategy is "a statement of what the organization wants to become, where it wants to go and, broadly, how it means to get there." Strategy involves three major key factors: competitive advantages (Porter, 1985; Barney, 1991), distinctive capabilities (Kay, 1999) and the strategic fit (Hofer & Schendel 1986). Strategies must be developed with a relevant purpose to sustain the organizational goals and aims. SHRM is one of the components of the organizational strategies used to sustain the business long-term. SHRM defined as: “all those activities affecting the behaviour of individuals in their efforts to formulate and implement the strategic needs of the business. (Schuler, 1992)” or as “the pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable the firm to achieve its goals.
Jules and Holzer (2001) noted that Strategic Human Resource Management enhances employee productivity and the ability of government agencies to achieve their mission. One can conclude that it is the same for learning institutions as SHRM focuses on the issues and goals of the organisation and strive to implement plans collectively to achieve those goals. In contrast to traditional Human resource management, SHRM focuses on improving the effectiveness of the entire learning community and helps to improve the organisations by creating and implementing plans that will continuously raise the competencies and capabilities of the members of an organization for the overall achievement of the organization (Ulrich 1997).
Organizational success or failure is dependent on a myriad of variables that can be challenging to measure and interpret. Success or failure can simply be luck and timing or an orchestrated and deliberate effort. As new technologies allow organizations the ability to rapidly measure and assess its internal and external environmental factors, more efficient strategies can be quickly implemented. The focus of this literature review is specifically on one of these mentioned variables. The paper will detail the relationship that Human Resources (HR) practices have with an organization’s strategic goals and vision.
I have many strengths and weaknesses. My strongest academic skills are most likely my organizational skills. I am a very organized person. I have numerous amounts of organizational products such as planners, binders, and dividers. I have greatly benefited by these products, especially when I attended public school, they really helped me stay on task with what work needed to be turned into to each class. Planners are the product I have utilized the most. When I attended public school we had an A/B schedule. Planners played a key part in helping me remember when test and other things would be coming up in my classes. Another strength of mine would be my career decidedness. I already have plans as to what I want to be when I grow up and the steps
Understanding the strategic potential of HRM is a relatively recent phenomenon. Strategic HRM attempts to bring HRM to the boardroom. It requires personnel policies and practices to be integrated so that they make a coherent whole, and also that this whole is integrated with the business or organisational strategy.
...onship between the employer and the employee. Employers who recognize this and proactively use strategies to promote employee involvement and fair employment practices will be likely to reap the organizational rewards of doing so.
In the fields of management and business, Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) has been a powerful and influential tool in order to motivate employees to perform productively. (Ejim, Esther, 2013). According to Armstrong (2011), SHRM refers to the way that the company use to approach their strategic goals through people with a combination of human resource policy and practices. The purpose of SHRM is to produce strategic capability that the organisation must ensure such that employees are skilled, committed, and well-motivated in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, (Armstrong, 2011). Particularly, the organisation must be able to carefully plan strategic human resource ideas, aimed to increase the productivity.
... in their decision-making, guides them in the way they should behave and reaffirms the company’s objectives and responsibilities. Employers play an important role in ensuring that employees in the company understand what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and making appropriate decisions. Employees will be confident in their work and able to perform better when they feel that their actions match their superior’s. Therefore, employers should set good role models and make the effort to assist them when they are in doubt. Most of the employees are afraid of speaking up and raising concerns to their superiors and co-workers about the problems they are facing, due to fear of retaliation. Companies can conduct ethics training program, designate a suitable, responsible and honest subordinate as a representative to provide guidance and suggestions to all employees. (Wheeler 2011)