Story Of An Hour Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Savonna Huff
Larisa Purvis
Eng. 112-500
20 October 2015
MLA Annotated Bibliography: Rhetorical Analysis
Chopin, Kate. "story of an hour." 19 april 1894. short story. 19 october 2015.
The “Story of an hour” is a short story written by Kate Chopin is a very heart tugging story about a woman with heart trouble, Mrs. Mallard. Who had received terrible news about her husband’s passing caused by a train wreck. After receiving such news from Josephine and Richard Mrs. Mallard hurried off to her room to grieve alone, but also to find herself where we see now her feelings have mutated into somewhat of happiness. Ultimately, Mr. Mallard death was fallacy, but it was to late Mrs. Mallard died “of joy that kills”. The short …show more content…

Sommers faces a man-vs society situation, and how she is a prime examples of material gain. Anyone can be a victim of this societal issue, as Mrs. Sommers was when she felt for her money and it gave her a feel of importance that had not been there for years. Mrs. Sommers believes in family first, but is at conflict while shopping for her family but looking around seeing everyone else looks more suitable than she does and her clothes and things look shabby and old. Eventually she wants more for herself and stops thinking about everything else and stumbles across a pair of silk stockings because she was always budgeting Mrs. Sommers worried less about the coast if things and started treating her self to dinner, a movie, new gloves and shoes. These things give her a feel of belonging and assurance. She sees other woman in society whom she is wanting to mimic and gets a dose of reality that she’s still going to be little Mrs. Sommers the wife and a mother. Just because society may portray something as being the right thing it may not always be right for that person. “like Mrs. Sommers, humans will almost always pay for being followers”. This source is credible because the websites a .net and was written at an educational institution. Which it also analysis the role of a woman and how women felt during those

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