Stop and frisk

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Looking back in history, crime has always been an ongoing issue for big states, as well as small communities. Law enforcement official have tried to implement several different approaches throughout time in order to try and deter crime. Recently a notable tactic that has come under a lot of scrutiny is referred to as ‘the stop-and-frisk Law.’ Under this policy, police officers have the right to stop, and if needed frisk, a suspect and ask him or her questions with reasonable cause. This policy was meant to prevent crime and criminals from reaching a level of being incarcerated or doing harm to others. Stop-and-frisk has been a method used in both big and small cities with high crime rates. With good intentions and safety of the community in mind, these methods seemed to be beneficial to communities. However, this process often turns out to be a failure. It has created uproar, especially in minority-stricken communities. Civilians are angry and feel targeted and discriminated. The use of stop-and-frisk is not an affected way to lower crime rates due to multiple reasons such as, but is not limited to discrimination, community and police relationship, and effectiveness.
There are multiple reasons why the stop and frisk law essentially needs to be amended or abolished. It has created a negative tension in areas of minority and low income between police officers and the very people they are trying to protect. The law has actually enhanced the tensions. The idea behind this originally began with the thought that if the law enforcement could prevent a crime from happening, all tactics would be worth it. The privileges of police power, arrests, and the use of their ‘on the street’ stopping and frisking is hard to condense, particularly ...

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... Stop-and-frisk Policies." Michigan Journal Of Race & Law 18.1 (2012): 131-187. Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

TYNAN, SARAH. "Symposium Report: The Fourth Amendment And Modern Practices: Drug Sniffing Dogs And Stop-and-frisk." Criminal Law Brief 8.2 (2013): 74-78. Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

WILEY, STEPHANIE ANN, LEE ANN SLOCUM, and FINN-AAGE ESBENSEN. "The Unintended Consequences Of Being Stopped Or Arrested: An Exploration Of The Labeling Mechanisms Through Which Police Contact Leads To Subsequent Delinquency." Criminology 51.4 (2013): 927-966. Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text. Web. 27 Apr. 2014

Younger, Evelle J. "Stop-and-frisk: "Say It Like It Is." Journal Of Criminal Law, Criminology & Police Science 58.3 (1967): 293-302. Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

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