Still I Rise Maya Angelou Analysis

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In Maya Angelou's poem, "Still I Rise," the main theme of the poem is discrimination. This poem is calling out all of the people that hurt Angelou and, possibly, the reader. I feel like this poem refers to many subjects that are not usually touched upon. It talks about gender and race. I think it is a beautiful ballad to these subjects. There are many questions asked to the reader, this makes it really speak to them and gets the reader personally involved. This poem has an overall positive tone and is about the power behind the fight. The poem has many quotes that give life to the speaker. Angelou quotes,"You may write me down in history / With your bitter, twisted lies,... But still, like dust, I'll rise," (1-4). This quote made an impact on me, illuminating the discrimination in the media or gossip. It also shows amazing imagery. Angelou writes,"... like dust, I'll rise," (4). To me, this quote creates a picture of a person rising from the dust and standing strong again like nothing happened. All the lies that are being told can mess with one's head. But one has to stand strong and rise up against the hate that is being projected towards them. I feel like this holds a lot of truth. …show more content…

The author states,"Did you want to see me broken?... Shoulders falling like teardrops, / Weakened by my soulful cries?" (13-16). This quote talks about the people who are doing the discriminating and the bullies who just want to hurt someone. I feel like the quote holds truth. It shows the sad reality of what really happens. This quote also has a simile in it. The quote reads, "Shoulders falling like teardrops" (15). It is comparing what happens when a person's spirit goes down. Their shoulder might fall if their self confidence is lowered or

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