Stereotyping of Bend It Like Beckham and Billy Elliot

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Stereotyping of Bend It Like Beckham and Billy Elliot


In this essay I will discuss about the stereotyping of Bend it like

Beckham and Billy Elliot and the different cultures. In Bend it like

Beckham the mum of the main character doesn't want her to play

football because she is a girl and it isn't honourable for the family.

She won't let her play football because of this but Jess plays

football behind her back. In Billy Elliot, the boy starts to dance and

the dad is against boys dancing and says they should be out boxing or

playing football. This film was set during the miner strike.

In Billy Elliot, there was a lot of stereotyping, mainly towards Billy

being a dancer. Billy has an older brother and a dad who works in the

mines but is out on strike in the film. His mum died when he was

little. Billy became a dancer when he was in the boxing and had to

stay behind because he wasn't hitting the bag properly. He then saw

the Girls all dancing and the teacher asked him to join. She asked him

if he was scared and wasn't bothered about the fact that he was a boy,

and didn't think dancing was only for girls. When she corrects Billy

for not doing something right, she doesn't look bothered that there is

a boy learning to dance. She asks Billy if he's scared to come back

again to Dance next week. This is questioning Billy's Characteristic

to see if he isn't bothered about the other boys stereotyping him

being a dancer when only girls are "supposed" to dance. When his dad

finds out about him dancing. He starts having ago at him telling him

that Boys are supposed to be boxing or playing football, which is

wrong because there are some...

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...g emotion into the film, at this bit we hear

a little bit of music in the background introduce slowly making it

more emotional. When they are at the airport and happy we hear Loud,

upbeat and happy music. The contrast between the two mums is that they

both don't want their daughters to play football for different

reasons, but in the end of the day lived with it and had to deal with

it. The difference is that Billy didn't have anybody to help him

through it except his teacher but really had to deal with it himself,

unlike jess that had Jules and her friend at the park and Joe.

Although Bend it like Beckham had more types of stereotyping and

contrasts bits in the films and used the music well. Billy had to

fight against his dad and had to fight against them thinking he was

gay when Jess had to fight against her religion.

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