Stereotypes in Rules of Engagement

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Sometimes I like to question myself why things are the way they are? Why some people act nice and some act aggressive when dealing with one another? It feels like people forget that they are who they are and most importantly humans. A lot of stereotypes have shaped and controlled the way we think about people. More stereotypes and negativities made us treat our dear friends unfairly. I believe everything that happens in society happens for a reason, and that our race, religion, and background make people think of us as either good or bad. I was shocked when I watched a movie called Rules of Engagement, because it symbolized Arabs as deadly terrorist. The stereotypes in that movie reminded me somehow of another movie that I have recently watched “crash”. The movie rule of Engagement was basically about a US Marine platoon led by Childers. They went to Yemen; a Middle Eastern country, because they needed to evacuate U.S. Ambassador, Ambassador Mourain, his wife and young son. This movie showed Arabs as extremely bad, dangerous, and very hostile people. There was a scene in the mov...

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