Stereotypes Of Women In Sports

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Apart from research based on people holding stereotypes, there is also a body of research concerning people that belong to stereotyped groups (Crocker & Major, 1989; Pinel, 1999; Wout et al, 2009; Scaffidi Abbate, Bocchiaro & Boca, 2004). According to Steele and Aronson (1995), stereotype threat is a self-evaluative threat that appears when one is at risk of confirming a negative stereotype about himself/herself. Since their seminal work appeared, many studies about this effect have been published and many domains have been investigated. A growing body of research focuses on the sensorimotor domain, where negative stereotypes about women persist and could threaten them during their performance (Chalabaev, Sarrazin, Stone & Cury, 2008; Stone …show more content…

In agreement with gender stereotypes, that describe women as “the weaker sex” physically, mentally, and emotionally, the sport domain has been considered for centuries an exclusively masculine affair, not suitable for the delicacy of a woman. It was only in the late 1800s that women were given the opportunity to join sports, but only in case this activity did not provide for physical contact or strain (Sherrow, 1996; Woolum, 1998). Although recently the number of women taking part in traditionally male sports (even the extreme ones) has grown (Zimmerman & Reaville, 1998), gender stereotypes still persist in physical …show more content…

Masculine sports have particular characteristics such as physical contact, face-to-face opposition, strength, or aggressiveness, while feminine sports are characterized by expressivity, grace, or esthetics (Chalabaev et al., 2013; Hardin & Greer, 2009).
These stereotypes threaten women's performance and contribute to keeping them away from sport domain. On the contrary, males still perceive themselves as characterized by higher strength and ability and give more importance to sports than girls (Eccles & Harold, 1991; Fredriks & Eccles, 2005).
What happens, then, when a woman during a complex sport performance become aware of the negative gender stereotype concerning her physical ability? She might face a phenomenon known in literature as “stereotype threat”.

An overview of stereotype

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