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The theme of racism in othello
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The theme of racism in othello
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In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, the title character is a 16th century Moorish general of the Venetian army who, because of the cultural and historical background of the play’s setting, the playwright, and the original intended audience, is portrayed as both well-respected for his military prowess and disparaged for his race. Similarly, Hispanics in today’s American society are portrayed as both sexy and thugs.
In Othello, people hated him just because of his skin color, but liked him for his military prowess. That is similar to Hispanics they are liked for one reason, but hated for another reason. People stereotype Hispanics by saying that we’re sexy and that’s why we get cast as “sexy” people. “Hispanic men are incredibly suave, sexy and skilled in the sheets.” This shows that they use Hispanics for their “sexy”ness, making people stereotype that, that’s all we are. “Hispanic women are sexy but also loud, crazy and spicy.” This shows that they view female Hispanics the same way as they view the males, showing that they view all Hispanics the same way.
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Othello was judged by his skin color, people were scared of Moors describing them as “savages” and calling them “uncivilized” just because people were scared of their skin color.
Othello is similar to how people view Hispanics because just because we have a history people view us as thugs and that’s one of the negative stereotype people have put on us. “Latinos is particularly harmful, as it gives the public the idea that Hispanics aren’t law-abiding citizens but cholos.” This shows that people think that Hispanics aren’t civilized, but we are they just have this idea that we aren’t because we aren’t from here. “..They should be feared, shunned and certainly not treated as equals.” Othello was also feared and people are afraid of Hispanics when they don’t need to be, as they don’t need to be afraid of Othello because he’s a
moor. Therefore, Othello has similarities that some cultures have today; such as, being hated for one thing that isn’t true and being liked for another thing. Othello was hated because of his skin color, but was respected because of his military prowess. Hispanics are hated because they all seem to be “thugs” and liked because we are “sexy”.
A stereotype can be defined as a view of a certain racial or ethnic group based off of aspects of the group (Stereotyping 1). Stereotypes are everywhere. We can see them in television programs, movies, and even games. Many times, people from different cultures and ethnicities are stereotyped by members of a different race or ethnicity. One group that is commonly believed to be stereotyped is the Hispanic population. One writer who comments on how the Hispanic population is stereotyped is Luis Valdez. Valdez presents these stereotypes, not in scholarly article, but in a play. This play, “Los Vendidos “is not long. In fact, it only has one act. Yet in this one act, Valdez is able to present the four main stereotypes of the Hispanic
While I have pointed out distinct signs of racism in the majority of leading characters, one should keep in mind that Othello was held in high regard for his many military successes. Although there was much protesting to the marriage of Desdemona and Othello, they were socially permitted to remain together, which would suggest at least some level of acceptance regarding interracial relationships among society in general.
...l have personal reasons for their abhorrence. Iago is jealous for not obtaining the promotion, Roderigo is jealous because Othello won Desdemona over, and Brabantio is bitter because his daughter was "robbed". Shakespeare could use Othello's race to mark him as an outsider. Modern perceptions portray race as a more important theme, this is because since the time "Othello" was written, attitudes have greatly changed, and a culturally diverse society is more accepted, although racism still exists, it is to a much smaller scale, and is more striking and offensive now, and so Shakespeare's "Othello" would have very different interpretations now, and issues which were excepted then, have changed, so it is a lot more controversial, and difficult to see it in the perspective of an Elizabethan at the time, without the help of contextual material.
Othello, from the onset, is shown to us a play of love and jealousy. There is however more to this play than just love and jealousy; there is underlying racism, hate, deception, pride, and even sexism between these pages. Othello is a transcendent play, one that will survive the perils of time simply because it is still relevant. Even today, over 400 years later, there are still issues of racism and sexism. Hate is as natural as love in humans and Othello gets right to the root of that. We witness this from the very first scene, “…you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse/ you’ll have your nephews neigh to you” (I.i.112-14); to the very last, “Moor she was chaste. She loved thee, cruel Moor” (V.ii.258). Moor however is used as an insult all throughout the play; not so much the word itself but the feel of the word. Between these pages we see many different ways as to how the cultural differences between Othello and the other characters.
Arthur Shopenhauer once described a racist man as a “…miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.” Without a doubt, racism is one of the key themes in Othello, which challenges the characters thoughts and actions throughout the play. One specific character, Iago, is driven by such racial distort, especially against Othello, that ultimately motivates his ingenious rampage of revenge and confusion. Hence, the characters racist attitudes, but mainly Iago’s, creates the momentum needed to spur the confusion and tension between the characters, resulting in the popular Shakespearean dramatic ending. Iago’s word choice describes very clearly his racial vision of Othello. He refers to Othello throughout the play by many racial slurs: “the moor”, “an erring barbarian”, and “black ram”. His attitude towards Othello implies certain personal characteristics: it shows that he is, jealous, hateful, and insecure “of his own inferiority.” From the beginning, Iago has been the “playmaker” of the play, always instigating the trouble and trying somehow to damage Othello.
In the Sixteenth century, as we see clearly from Othello and other works of both Shakespeare and Cinthio's original version of Othello, race was a topic of great debate and discussion. Today, in the twenty-first century the debate retains its controversy and passion. However, attitudes towards race have taken a dramatic turn during the last century. In the developed world people are now living in an increasingly cosmopolitan society would undoubtedly be more tolerant and would reject or even be offended by racial discrimination to any person or sections of the community. Openly 'racist' people today are seen as outcasts. Taking this into account, the way a modern audience would react to race and racism in Othello is dependent upon the way in which that modern audience would interpret 'Othello'. This prompts the questions of what sort of message Shakespeare wanted to send to his audience and was Othello the moor portrayed as a tragic hero or did his character eventually come to resemble the prejudices of which he was a victim. Shakespeare also discusses the issue of race with other characters such as the hateful Iago and the prejudices hidden deep in Barbantio.
The early modern definition of race very much differs from the current usage and definition of race today, according to Margo Hendricks, “the word race referred not to the linking of character with physical appearance, but to family and lineage” in addition to cultural customs. In Shakespeare’s Othello, Othello is esteemed for his military power; he is welcomed by Barbantio, and invited into his homes to tell of his adventures. Yet, in many instances the fact that he is a moor takes precedence over any military prowess he may possess. As a general in the Venetian Army, it is expected that utmost respect be shown at all times, yet this is not the case for Othello. Regardless of his acclaimed position of general in the Venetian military, the prejudices held by Iago and Barbantio outweigh his credentials as a civilized human being. His ally Barbantio questions his methods of getting Desdemona to marry him, and concludes that it had to be of some sort of Moorish witch craft or drug. Othello is also disrespected by Iago, a trusted confidant; his very essence is degraded and compared to that of a wild animal while Desdemona is seen as a pure white lamb, whom Othello has corrupted. Iago purposely uses the preconceived notions about Moors to convince others that his culture represents chaos, sexual immorality, and corruption. Iago also preys on Othello's jealousy to twist Othello’s emotions and convince him that Desdemona has been unfaithful.
American history is a cornucopia of racial tension, beginning with the slave trade and spanning the centuries to the Ku Klux Klan and to the days of Martin Luther King. There is evidence that racial prejudice was just as prevalent in sixteenth century England as in modern day America. Othello can be seen as Shakespeare’s condemnation of racial prejudice.
At the beginning of the play, the audience is made aware that Othello is a Moor working in the service of Venice. During the time the play was written, racism was strong. Despite Othello’s carefully built up life in which he managed to rise from being very poor to a powerful general, he still experienced racism from characters such as Roderigo and Brabantio. In Act One Scene One, Brabantio is appalled at the idea of his delicate daughter Desdemona secretly marrying a black man without his consent. He openly insults Othello, oblivious to Othello’s power: “That thou hast practiced on her with foul charms, Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals.” Brabantio is accusing Othello of witchcraft and trickery, and suggesting that no one could ever love him without the influence of his evil witchcraft. The audience feels pity for Othello because they know that Othello loves Desdemona and that he is a kind man, and is receiving these insults because of his race. The audience realises that he is already at a ...
Shakespeare has written some of the most outstanding pieces of literature through out history that have lasted through out the ages. But, critics often critique Shakespeare as being sexist towards women in his work. He often portrays them as weak minded, evil, or as sexual objects. Ophelia, Queen Gertrude, Lady Macbeth, and Juliet Capulet are just a few female heroines that are accused of being feeble or heinous. Shakespeares Othello represents Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca as weak characters that do not become triumphant by the end of the play. While they have ardous intentions, none of them ever defend themselves. Desdemona is a passive victim who lets Othello abuse her, Emilia allows herself to be abused by Iago, and Bianca lets Cassio take
The play, Othello, is certainly, in part, the tragedy of racism. Examples of racism are common throughout the dialog. This racism is directed toward Othello, a brave soldier from Africa and currently supreme commander of the Venetian army. Nearly every character uses a racial slur to insult Othello at one point in the play. Even Emilia sinks to the level of insulting Othello based on the color of his skin. The character that most commonly makes racist remarks in Othello is Iago. It is very apparent that Iago uses racism as a scapegoat to hate and blame Othello. Societal racism takes its toll on its victims. The effect of racism on Othello is quite evident and is one of the main causes for his insecurity about his marriage. However, Othello is not wholly the tragedy of racism. The theme of jealousy is also extremely important in Othello. Racism may play a large part in the tragedy, Othello, but it certainly does not adequately explain the entire play.
Lady Macbeth could have chosen to question the prophecies; however, she accepted them without hesitation and encouraged her husband to do the same. A motif, which encompasses the stereotypes of gender roles, winds its way through the play, following Macbeth like a shadow. The daunting thought that others will not consider him a man, an idea initially presented by his wife, spurs a seemingly endless killing spree. This cause and effect scenario suggests that one of the reasons Macbeth moved forward with the plan to kill Duncan, was likely to show his wife and others that he was manly.
Stereotypes are a fixed image of all members of a culture, group, or race usually based on limited and inaccurate information resulted from the minimal contact with this stereotyped groups. stereotypes have many forms; people are stereotyped according to their religion, race, ethnicity, age, gender, coulor, or national origins. This kind of intolerance is focused on the easily observable characteristics of groups of people. In general, stereotypes reduce individuals to a rigid and inflexible image that doesn't account for the multi-dimensional nature of human beings. One example of stereotypes is the categorization of the Jews in Elizabethan era. In fact, Elizabethan era was an age of prejudice, discrimination, and religious persecution particularly against minorities. Jewish people were one of those minorities who was suffering and struggling for survival. This racist attitude was rife not only in England but also across Europe. "Christians tended to see the Jews as an alien people whose repudiation of the Christ had condemned them to a perpetual migration. Jews were denied citizenship and its rights in much of Europe and forced to wear distinctive clothing to identify themselves in public (the yellow star, or badges of shame). There were forced expulsions of the Jews from several regions across Europe." (1). Jews were even believed to worship the devil.
It’s obvious that mostly every character in Othello is racist. If the color of Othello’s skin was white, Othello and Desdemona would’ve lived happily ever after. Racism was shown in many ways in Act I of Othello. When Iago and Roderigo talked about Othello, they called him an “old black ram,” (I.i.88) and made a sex reference with Othello and Desdemona by saying that they were “making the beast with two backs” (I.i.115-17).
In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, the title character is a 16th century Moorish general of the Venetian army who, because of the cultural and historical background of the play’s setting, the playwright, and the original intended audience, is portrayed as both well-respected for his military prowess and disparaged for his race. Similarly, because of culture and historical background Mexicans in today’s American society are both well respected for maintaining strong family values and judged for taking the opportunities of native born Americans.