Stereotypes In Children Essay

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Stereotypes are biases that attempt to force people to behave according to how someone else thinks – even when Reality says that is not always true.
As we age, we may be taught stereotypes or jump to conclusions based on our puffed-up sense of self-importance, thus making up stereotypes. This is absolutely disastrous for ourselves, and if you are a parent, even more disastrous for your children. Examples:
• Boys should like Blue, Girls should like Pink
• Boys should play with Robots. Girls should play with Dolls.
• Boys should not wear dresses. Girls should wear dresses.
• People of a certain Race/Skin Color/Country/Occupation are “Bad” in some way. (Gist of the message, the exact sentence may vary widely)
What happens when you …show more content…

And the No-Ownership cycle feeds itself.
The child learns the stereotype. Stops thinking. Loses tolerance for others simply because others are Different. Creates conflict with others. This destroys relationships, closes doors, and so on. The marginalisation of women in work and in the home is one example of the result. The honor killings of women and perpetuation of terrorism worldwide are both driven by the indoctrination of stereotypes.
No-Ownership perpetuates itself to others. If this child grows up to be an adult and never questions their misconceptions, they may pass it on to their children.
So when you pass a stereotype to your children, you are sabotaging their future chances of success and happiness.

How far should parents go to discipline their children?
What do they say? What should they do? What is too much? What does not work?
This goes down to recognising that the child Owns Rights.
Rights refer to Human Rights and include wearing clothes, etc.
The child does Not Own Privileges.
Privileges refer to Toys and any other fripperies the child does not need to be respectful to others, survive and grow up.
You can Remove Privileges, but you cannot Remove

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