Steps Of Mig Welding

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MIG welding can be completed in 3 main steps. Those steps being preparation, welding, and grinding. Even though there are only three main steps in MIG welding it can be quiet the task to perform. There is a good amount of safety and tool preparation involved to complete MIG welding. First, let me give you some background information on MIG welding. MIG welding was created in the 1940s and is a type of welding in which a wire is fed through a roller and into a gun. The gun has a trigger that controls the amount of electricity and speed of the wire coming out. Once the wire coming out of the gun touches metal it will create an arc of electricity. A non-reactive gas also comes out of the gun at the same time as the wire. The gas used is 100% Argon or a mixture of CO2 and argon. The gas shields the wire as its being welded. This arc heats up the wire coming out and once cooled down the metal is now conjoined together. MIG welding can weld a wide variety of metals and metal thicknesses. You can MIG weld multiple types of metals including carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, magnesium, copper, nickel, silicon bronze and other alloys. MIG welding is also very easily controllable and can be …show more content…

To start this, you must prep your welder and the metal. Make sure the wire in your welder is meant for the metal you are connecting. Place the roll of wire inside of the welding machine and feed it through the gun. Connect your gas to your welder and set the regulator to 15 to 25 psi. This controls the gas pressure coming out of the gun which affects your welds. After your welding machine is set up you can get started on cleaning the metal you are connecting. Use a grinder to clean any surface contaminants off the metal. Once this is completed you can connect your ground clamp to what you are welding. Make sure your ground point is clean and very well

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