Step Out On Nothing Byron Pitt

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The book “Step Out on Nothing” is an autobiography of Byron Pitts’s endurance and hard work to overcome what seem to be overwhelming difficulties. Pitts has faced many challenges to achieve enormous success in life. For a twelve-year-old, it became very hard for a child to survive if his parents were divorced. Pitts’s mother was the key to his success. Even though they had financial difficulties, his mother worked two jobs to survive. Pitts was unable to interpret quite well and was also hesitant while speaking, which kept him away from participating in the activities in school. Being not able to read was a major problem for Pitts, but still he managed to become successful in life. After his parents’ divorce, his mother was emotionally distant, but did provide financial support since she was being busy working at two separate jobs. Even though he was technically an illiterate, he still managed to get through high school. During his younger years, he was sent down to the basement of his school to learn with mentally …show more content…

In his book, he talks about how he turned his everyday struggles, from being an in closet illiterate to tough love from his mother, all that anger into his strength. Even with everything that could’ve gone wrong did go wrong, he still never turned to taking his own life. Pitts was very kind throughout his life which made others help him whenever he needed help. Pitts had a great support system since his childhood. For everyone who were there to knock him down, there were equally good influential people to pull him back up. When he was segregated in high school for his problems, he had his teachers help him improve. When he went to college, he had professors cruelly insult him, but also had his dorm mate help him every day to learn vocabulary, and clear his speech. His mother was away most of the time, working two jobs; she also never pampered him too much. That toughened him up from young

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